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YAY: I've hit one of my fitness goals, which was to get between 18-20% body fat (I started at 26%). I've been building muscle for the past 8 months, and working on shedding fat as well for the past 5, and I've finally done it. By my calculations I'm at 19.6%, so I'm reallllly happy about that. I love how I look, and how strong I feel. :) Now I just have to maintain, although the percentage will probably go down a little bit more as I gain more muscle.

NAY: I tried to register for classes in the fall, and found out there's a hold placed on my account because apparently I never officially changed my address with the school after I moved last year. So until I go in on Monday to turn in the proper paperwork I can't register. I hope the classes I want aren't filled before then...

Also nay, I got scheduled to work 7 days in a row next week, Wednesday through Tuesday. They're only 5-hour shifts, so it's not too bad, but I've never worked that long without a day off. I'm not looking forward to it. Two of those days I'm also babysitting, which always makes for a long day. I won't be babysitting much longer, though; the parents are both elementary school teachers and school will be out by mid-June. I'll miss seeing the baby a bit, and obviously that also means I'll be making less money per week, but it'll make my work schedule easier. IF they decide to keep me once the spring season is over, that is. I was hired as seasonal help and I'm hearing rumors that they won't be rehiring many of the seasonal workers, if any, which is also a potential nay...


Your yay is awesome, well done for achieving your goal!! I'm trying to get fit at the moment and it's not going too well xD I admire your dedication! What sort of regime are you following, and have you changed your diet at all?


That sucks about your classes and work though :( Working for that long can be a drag! I once did three weeks without a day off because I really needed the money, it wasn't pleasant! Hopefully it'll go by quickly - and I also hope they keep you on


Your yay is awesome, well done for achieving your goal!! I'm trying to get fit at the moment and it's not going too well xD I admire your dedication! What sort of regime are you following, and have you changed your diet at all?


I've been lifting weights, mostly. I've got a seven-day cycle, working a different muscle group each day. I'm doing chest/triceps, legs, rest day, back/biceps, abs, shoulders, and then another rest day. I do a liiiiittle cardio (and I'm planning to start krav maga soon, which will be pretty intense), but most of my fat loss has been through diet changes. Lifting weights does still burn calories, though, and the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn just by being alive.

​What I did was calculate how many calories I need to maintain my weight, based on this calculator, and then I cut 300 calories from that. I'd say you can cut up to 500 safely (more than that, I would consult a doctor or a dietitian), which would equal a pound of fat loss per week, but since I wanted to keep gaining muscle I cut less. You usually need to be taking in as much as you're burning (or more) to really build any muscle, you need the fuel, so it was hard to balance the two. In any case, I counted calories every day, staying within my range, and the weight just kinda slowly came off. I didn't do too great on eating "clean", that's my next project, but I at least kept my calories in check.

If you ever want to see my routine or want any pointers, I'd be glad to help you with your goals. I've done a ton of research into what works, and what's a load of hooey, so I feel pretty confident giving some basic advice. xD

That sucks about your classes and work though :( Working for that long can be a drag! I once did three weeks without a day off because I really needed the money, it wasn't pleasant! Hopefully it'll go by quickly - and I also hope they keep you on

Oh man, I can't imagine working three straight weeks. I'd go nuts, even with the short shifts they've been giving me lately. That's just insane, haha. I guess that's part of what growing up is, though; learning to do things you don't like because it'll help you in the long run.

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