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Sooo I was playing some coconut shy(I like to gamble on games)and I won the golden evil coconut and the wailing evil coconut,are they worth a lot and should i sell or keep them?Taking a guess I think they're unbuyables cause when I went on SW they're were no results.


Well, it depends. Have you tried searching for them in stores or trading lots? See what others think! If I were you, I'd probably put on a trade and see what others offer. For your wishlist, put your dream item or something. ;)


Hope this helps!!


First of all, congrats for getting not just one but two evil coconuts! :) So far I've been lucky enough to get one, but that was a long time ago.

If you can't find something in the shop wizard, always check the trading post and/or auctions. From my searches, it looks like the Golden Evil Coconut is worth about 150K, and the cheapest I can find for the Wailing Evil Coconut is 175K. So, in total you could make a cool 300K by selling them on the TP.

Whether you sell them or not is up to you. Think about if there's something you're saving for that you could put the np towards, or maybe you want to start collecting and put them in your album. You can also hold onto them in your SBD and sell later, but who knows what the price will do. Unless you really plan on collecting them I probably would just sell them, myself. But, like I said, it's up to you.


Thx both of you I'll probably sell them on TP and see the offers.

I never knew these coconuts were worth soooo much


Try looking the prices up at Neo[Removed] (search for *item name* neo[Removed] in google), or items.jellyneo.net. And like above users said, check out auctions and TP (though tp goes to 800.000 I think, Auctions are unlimited as far as I'm aware).


And congrats! Still hoping to win those elusive coconuts one day ;).


Thx for the tip luna also good luck on getting those coconuts!


I didn't even know you could win coconuts from that game? I think I stink at it, anyhow. But I've played a few games, because if I remember right, you can get an avatar from it? Maybe not, maybe I was just bored, haha.


Yeah I'm pretty sure you can win avatar but I'm not a fan of avatars they don't interest me much(I ain't hatin ok?),I recently continued my gambling with games and own nothing:(oh well you can't win them all.

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