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Kreludor Caves


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I'm starting to think people don't test their caves before they send them to the spotlight.


I usually have trouble within three minutes of starting out, but this week's is insane. You're supposed to get a key immediately upon starting, but you can't go up there, because the spikes are too low. I tried going down instead of getting the key, but--oops--dead again, thanks to some hidden spikes.


I know for every few feet I build (or segment I create), I stop and test what I've made. Honestly, what's the point of creating a level, if no one can get through it?



Anyone else have this problem?

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As I recall, this was a problem back when people still did custom caves for Hannah and the Pirate Caves. I don't really play Kreludor Caves much, but it was a silly problem with the other games too. If someone takes the time to make a level, they should make sure it works.

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