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Homestar Runner


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"FHQWHGADS" says it all.


Seriously, though, it is funny you should mention this... I am wearing my Strong Bad hoodie as we speak. :laughingsmiley:


Trogdor the Burninator... Strong Bad e-mails (too many favorites to list them all), Teen Girl Squad!! So yeah, I'm a big fan. No idea if they'll start updating again, but it's always nice to go back and watch whenever I'm feeling nostalgic.


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I adore Homestar Runner. My brothers used to watch sbemails when I was a kid, and I grew to love it too. I like browsing through random videos on occasion.

Honestly, stuff like Trogdor and Teen Girl Squad are things that I reference whenever the opportunity arises. Most people don't get the reference, but it's fun for me. :P

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