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Need Assignment 53 Pointers


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I've been practicing Assignment 53, and while I can now consistently get to Wuba Secundus Act I (with most of my lives), I can't get past the beginning of that stage. My trouble is with the wall jump. I've read guides explaining it, but I can only get it to work ~10% of the time. And when I miss the first wall jump (to get the nerkmids), I always fall down into the hole with the shield -- which requires a wall jump to escape from (assuming I can even land on and stay on that tiny platform). I played my three games today intending to just skip the shield and try to navigate all the bad guys without it, but 2 of the 3 games (and all but 1 of the lives in the third game), I fell down the hole anyway. This is super-frustrating; I've been stuck at the exact same spot for a week, and I haven't seen any improvement.


So, does anyone have any tips? I'm playing on medium quality (low quality is too low).

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Assignment 53 is my favorite game! The wall jump does take some practice, but once you get the hang of it, it is hard to miss.



Once equipped with the Gravity Boots, the wall jump can be completed in the following steps (this is what works for me):


  • Face the wall and start walking toward it, keeping the left (or right) arrow held down.


  • With the left/right arrow still held down, press the up arrow and keep that held down too. Both arrows should stay held down, and you will jump toward the wall.
  • Make sure to hit the wall while you are still in the air (it may take a little tweaking to get the timing right).
  • As soon as you hit the wall, you will automatically change direction in the air. You do not need to do anything else to change direction. At this point, you can release your left/right and up arrows and allow yourself to float down to the ground.
I recommend practicing with the wall jumps when you get the first pair of gravity boots on Octozodi 2. After you get the boots, just go back up to the checkpoint and practice jumping to the wall there.
Stand on or just to the right of the checkpoint. Press the right arrow (keep it held down) and immediately after press the up arrow (keep it held down too).
With both of the arrows still pressed, you should hit the wall to the right and bounce off of it.
To get the shield for Wuba Secundus 1, first get the boots and walk to the very end of the ledge. Slowly inch toward the edge and allow yourself to fall straight down. You will end on the platform with the shield.
To get up, do the press+hold right arrow, immediately followed by press+hold the up arrow. Again, both arrows should remain pressed. You will bounce off the wall to the right and land back on the platform that you dropped from.
(This level can be completed without the shield, but I strongly recommend using it if possible).
To pass the wall jump to the rest of the level:
Walk to the very edge of the first ledge, as far as you can go.
Do the press+hold right arrow immediately followed by press+hold up arrow. Keep both arrows held down for the entirety of the jump and you should automatically bounce off the right-hand wall, then bounce off the left-hand wall, then bounce toward the right again, collecting the nerkmids in the air and falling down on the other side of the hole.
I hope that helps! I am not sure if the arrows work differently on different computers, but this is what always works for me. :yes:
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Mariposa has some wonderful tips, and she basically covered what I do as well. :)

Another thing you may want to do is to watch YouTube videos of people playing. I watched all the ones I could find, and I found it interesting to see how many people bothered or didn't bother to get into the secret areas, get the shield there, etc. After watching a video for the first time I was able to double my high score, so it may help you as well. :) Good luck! Assignment 53 can be super frustrating, but it just takes lots of practice.

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Mariposa, thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I went from it working 10% of the time to it now working >90% of the time.


Rebecca, I've been watching Youtube videos, too (which is how I got past the first part of the second level), but it was so frustrating to see them bouncing around like crazy and it just not working for me. (I assumed you had to time when you hit "up"; I didn't realize you could just press and hold -- that's so much easier.) Right now my goal is to just get all the nerkmids I can so I can have as many lives as possible. I'll worry about "maximizing" my score once I can stop dying (if I even need to for to get the avatar).


Now I just need to get a little faster so I can go kill all the baddies while the energy shield is still active. But still, I at least made it to that part consistently today!


Thanks again to everyone for your help.

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