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A question about The Wishing Well


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It's all down to luck, unfortunately! As long as your wish is 21 NP or over, it counts, and you have as much of a chance as anyone else to get your item. I would recommend throwing in your coins 7 times each morning and 7 times each evening- the well gives out its prizes at 6 or 7 am and pm NST, so you just have to try between those hours. :) That will give you the best chance of getting something.


But really, just be patient. :) You'll get your wish eventually!

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It took me months of wishing a few times a day to get my first wish fulfilled. Even assuming I spent 200NP a day (I didn't) for a year (definitely not that long), that's only 73,000 NP spent to get the item. As long as you're wishing for an item worth more than that, you'll come out ahead, on average.

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