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Question about account purging


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I was wondering, is there any way to tell if an account is scheduled to be purged? I recently tried to help my sister get her old account back, only to get a response that her account was on the purge queue and "Scheduled to be purged regardless of access."

Now, when she tried to log in before we sent in these tickets, she got an account-frozen message simple saying "Account deactivated," even though she could still view her lookup and pets. Do all purge-scheduled accounts get that, or was that from something else? I'm asking because I recently returned from a pretty long hiatus (2+ years I think, I'm not entirely sure) and want to make sure that my account is fine, which I'm assuming/hoping it is since I can access it and my spares without any problems(with the exception of one of my spares which keeps having strange login issues, but I can still get in). @_@ Nor do I recall getting any emails from neo about inactivity.. though I do clean out my inbox regularly and may have looked over it.

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If that's true, that's nonesense! If someone goes onto an account, it should NOT be removed. I'd put in a ticket and complain, because I don't know when the purges happen. All I know is, my sister hadn't accessed her account in years and just recently made it on. Just try and see if they can assist you if she can get the information correct reharding it.

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Purges typically happen every 2-3 years; the next one should begin in the fall of this year (if the last two purges are any sorta sign)


As far as I recall, logging in should remove it from the purge list (per the neomail that they send out) and it only happens to accounts that haven't been accessed in quite some time.


Your account will be absolutely fine, but if she wishes to access hers, you'll likely have to send a ticket like mentioned above!

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About my sisters account, she's been inactive for far longer than I have unfortunately (5-6 years?) We both sent in tickets trying to get it back already, with no luck but that same copy-pasted response that it's impossible to get off the purge queue. x_x I don't recall any purges back when I played, if I knew about it I would have told her to log on earlier. Bleh! But to be honest, I think I'm the one who's more upset about it than she is. ._.'

I actually sent in another ticket earlier today asking this same question(how to tell if an account is scheduled for purging or not) and wasn't expecting it to be answered so quickly, but it was just now! And they said if you can get into your account without being hit by that "Account banned" message then you should be fine, so that really answers that question. I suppose that was just a silly worry on my end anyway, all this purging business is new to me. @_@

Edit: By the way, what neomail would that be?

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From what I recall (at least from the purge 4 years ago), they sent out an email saying that a purge is upcoming to inactive accounts over X number of years, and if you wish for your account to NOT be purged, all you had to do is log in (as suggested in their ticket reply as well.)


It may have been posted in the news too but I cannot recall for certain.


They gave a heads up then, but I don't recall any notice for the 2012 purge. The pound chat just noticed accounts being purged...


At any rate, it's best to log in every so often while on hiatus,just to be on the safe side.


Purge FAQ if you wish to know more :) http://www.neopets.com/~john

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I had a really, REALLY old account that must have gotten purged like this, because years later, I went to check if the pets were still around, but niether the pets or the account was there. I hadn't used it in a very long time, likely over 5 years, so it wasn't a biggie, especially since I'd already made the move to my current main account. But this is really helpful and interesting info, nonetheless! :3

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