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Cheese Roller Statistics Project

Bright ^_^

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The page is updated!! :D Thank you so much everyone for sticking with our statistics project. I appreciate it so much! You guys gave me so much data to input. It's fantastic.


Also, welcome to the project Sabs! I see you decided to test one of the "Methods to Test" listed at the bottom of the page. I didn't want to try to figure out how to incorporate it into the big chart, so I gave your method its own little colored box listed underneath the method.


And congrats on the Avatar Rockyroad!

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The table's looking a lot purpler. More pur- nah. Purpler. Less yellowy, I suppose. Meh, I don't know what I'm typing anymore. My circadian rhythm is off so my brain's just goopy and heavy. Have you ever felt that? So tired that your brain feels like a lead weight encased in more lead? Which would simply make it a slightly bigger lead weight.


Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

Action: Forward Somersault

Times: 79, 81, 85


GRAAAHHHHHH! I'm losing my MIND with this cheese too! Thank goodness its almost done. I'm planning on testing the Triple Mustard Cheese - Hold Cheese Steady combo next. At least SOMEONE got a cheese from that combo.

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Cheese: Mutated Cheese (sorry for switching so many times, I don't like withdrawing so I try to get the most expensive cheese with the NP in my hand)

Action: Dive Left

Times: 55, 50, 62


Oh, very nice.

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oh dear Furorpaxx... [shakes head] You really are a martyr to this, aren't you? I guess you can think of it as definitely proving which cheese/action combos are worthless, thus benefiting the general cheese-rolling public.

And oooh the Alkenore row is so... green. Just two more boxes to go!

Cheese: Alkenore Cheese

Action: Alternating Left/Right, starting with Left, and repeating when you get slowed down

Times: 68, 63, 53




51.8% Nimmo Tube Cheese? That's unbelievable. Brick Cheese may be a comparable alternative, I think I'll try that one once I finish Alkenore. I'm getting tired of this pink tentacled cheese.

Edited by xrazydiamond
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Cheese: Mutated Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 63, 73, 67

furorpaxx: I was going to send a Smoked Snorkle cheese to boost your weak ego but your inventory is full

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Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

Action: Forward Somersault

Times: 79, 84, 94


Thanks for the thought RR1. I'm making the most of my Book Smarts boon and getting rid of extra books at the same time so my inventory is swamped.


I agree, Bright. My suspicion is that for any given cheese, Dive Left is the best single action you can pick. I'm wondering now if the other single action combos are any better than Forward Somersault.

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