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Cheese: Tyrannian Dung Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 62, 47 (high score!), 62

Something Has Happened! cheeseroller.gif You are now eligible to use 'Techo - Cheesy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


63 lawrencedy1 1,140



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Cheese: Nimmo Tube Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 60, 62, 58


Congrads on your avatar!

15 cheeses and no avatar for me though... How many did it take you?


I have tried with Spicy Juppie Cheese before, with no wins. I got in in my 5th win I think.


Cheese: Tyrannian Dung Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 49 (I must be lucky...), 62, 71

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Cheese: Nimmo Tube Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 57, 56, 64

Cheeses Won: 18

Avatar Rewarded?: Not yet, still working on that!


In general I feel like I'm winning about 2/3 of the time, maybe more like 1/2 or somewhere between those... But I'm not the one collecting the stats. XD

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Guest Sabs

Congrats on the avatar, Clumsy rockyroad1! =)


Cheese: Rotten Cheese

Action: Push cheese faster, and then dive right until finished

Times: 54, 61, 68

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Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

Action: Forward Somersault

Times: 85, 78, 82


Ugh. The weather's bumming me out today. A storm tore through town and knocked out the internet for HOURS. I didn't feel like reading either so I just bothered my dog until she decided to ABANDON me for her crate. Blah. Just Blah. Much like these Cheeseroller times.

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Cheese: Tyrannian Dung Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 57, 56, 68

And over here we have El Nino (well not guaranteed but they say more than 2/3 chance), so the dry season might extend by a month or two...

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Cheese: Smoked Snorkle Cheese

Action: Forward Somersault

Times: 78, 94, 84


My poor dog won't get a peaceful night's sleep tonight either. Someone's setting off fireworks in the neighborhood.


How bad does an extended dry season get, RR1? Are you guys prone to getting wildfires? I assume it shortens growing/harvesting season so that's definitely gonna hurt, right?

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