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So, I was Googling funny pet names and I stumbled upon a very old thread from this very forum regarding horrible names people have given to their Neopets. I went through the whole thread, and suffice it to say, I was in tears. Just, some of the funniest things you can read.


Since I am unsure if you can bump threads, I decided to revive it because this is most definitely a topic worth exploring. Just for laughs.


Like, for instance, there is:


A green Flotsam named frankie0feet in the pound right now.


A red Peophin named PrepareTheMasses also in the pound right now.


A green Uni named Booberella_6_6_6 belonging to an owner right now. An owner who seemed to be quite devoted as she has a Faerie Alabriss and is level 17. The name "Booberella" may or may not be a Simpsons reference, but where does the "_6_6_6" come into play?


A red Buzz named RealmusicisNOThiphop also belonging to an owner right now. Why someone would chose to express their musical tastes based on a Neopet I have no idea.


PrepareTheMasses is an awesome name :D


V for Vendetta and stuff :)


I know, I really want to adopt it.


I wanna adopt most of the pets with weird names in the pound honestly. Shame you can only have five accounts. :(


EDIT: Adopted PrepareTheMasses on my side account. Just too awesome to pass up. He's old by the way, like over 1,000 days. Kinda surprising that someone would just throw such a cool pet away like that.


How about my pet invent0r? He's a coconut JubJub with a moltara JubJub Inventor outfit.

But that's not a hysterical/horrible pet name at all! It's quite creative and suits the pet very well; the zero used as an o doesn't even bother me as much as it should. And your pet's not bad looking either, for a JubJub. :)


Also, just found a Xweetok in the pound named IAmJacksColdSweat. Um.


But that's not a hysterical/horrible pet name at all! It's quite creative and suits the pet very well; the zero used as an o doesn't even bother me as much as it should. And your pet's not bad looking either, for a JubJub. :)


Also, just found a Xweetok in the pound named IAmJacksColdSweat. Um.

A Fight Club reference! Now I want to name a pet IAmJacksSmirkingRevenge :P


The pound feels extra depressing today, so this thread has really good timing.





Conceptacle (They are a Koi, though)




Dr_Ruth (Dr_Ruth is a Buzz, but I think Dr. Ruth is more of a Xweetok or Aisha.)

Color_TBA (This is one of the ones I adopted.)

Starry_Mynci (the Green Mynci)





Crazy_Kong (I guess they are at least a Mynci, but someone needs to take it a step further and paint them Baby.)


Also, there is a Sparxx_The_DragonFly that I think someone needs to adopt. Someone needs to scoop up StegosaurusSpy, too.

  • 10 months later...

I named a kougra HottieTiger69. I lost her when I was trying to transfer her to another account though (before the transfer option was available). The person who adopted her wouldn't give her back and now she's a white scorchio. Oh well :p


My new kougra is named Iofthe_Tiger because Eye of the Tiger was already taken. I like how it looks like a first and last name though. And my shoyru that will be maraquan is named Shellonia because Chelonia was taken (Chelonia is the genus name of the green sea turtle) so I just made it shell haha.


There's currently Creepersaur up for adoption. Can't decide if I think it's a cute name for a grarrl or really random.

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