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Daily Dare, Ending Soon!


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Daily Dare is ending at 12 mindnight NST on the 31st, today! If you're not caught up, now is the time to do it!



Special Note: The AAA avatar HAS been released. You must complete and pick up your prize for 15 challenges, and you will get it with the next one. There is no event for it, but it should be in your avatars list. And it WILL NOT be avaliable after the Daily Dare is over, as the challenges will be taken down.


If you need advice on a challenge, or just want to talk about it, we have a topic just for that!



Think you can beat me?


On another note, the BETA screenies guide has been updated for Snowbeast Snackrifice.

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*sob* It will be sad when Daily Dare is over. I'm gonna miss it alot. Gave me something to do other then checking my neomail and doing the other Dailies.


Is there a prediction that there might be a prize for the amount of games you won?

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It says in the news that today is the last day to get the Uberiffic and Spifftastic prizes... it doesn't mention the other two, do you reckon that means that people will get longer for them?



No, that would defeat the point of the qualifications they alreasy listed to get them. besides it says in the editorial this week that you have to be done by midnight on the 31st toget the 'fianl prizes'

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