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Errr... Well, I could make 'lickies', but I do only like 1-3 requests each month xP. I mean, I'm just really lazy >_>

(Although it's probably worth the wait, depending on how good I do it :P) So, if you want, you can. (Just to note, I made that Shiny Vulpix licky :3)


Can you do like any Pokemon? If not, which ones can you do? :)

What Pokemon do you want me to do? I already have an Espeon and Shiny Umbreon with a Choice Scarf.


Oooooo could you do one of GIR in the dog suit?

Hmm, I'll try. I might take long, or I might finish it short. I have a long week of weekdays to go xD


Hmm... the dog suit might be complicated, basically the ears and the zipper. I'll try to make it, but if you can come up with something easier, that would be just fine.


Haha! I'm sure it isn't the easiest... I'm making his costume right now... x.x Even as a hoodie, findinh zipper like things that large weren't easy... Hmm, let's see...


Since you already have Eevee evolutions, what about Eevee or Sylveon?


Yes, I can make Eevee or Sylveon. (Eevee is more "eeaseey" (I mean easy mixed with eevee XD) though) Yes, that zipper is so big it's as big as the neck!


Here is the Eevee licky! I sucked at the bow for Sylveon :P :http://www.ezimba.com/work/131011C/ezimba17897737000612.gif

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