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I just picked up a Strawberry Ixi from the pound and I was wondering if anyone here had the matching collar sitting in their closet that they'd be willing to part with?


If someone does, please neomail me. I'm most likely to see that the quickest. Thanks!



I wasn't sure if there's already a topic for this, but I bet there are a ton of people here with lab rays and closets full of PB clothing they no longer have the pet or a pet for, so I thought this could also be a good thread for anyone looking for certain PB clothes. I know I have a bunch of random sets I'll likely never use, so if anyone else is on the hunt for something feel free to post too.


What a brilliant idea! After years of labbing, a considerable chunk of my closet is filled with clothes for pets I don't have and never plan to have again. Unfortunately, I don't have any strawberry Ixi items (and if I did, my own pirate Ixi would wear them), but thanks for the brilliant idea. Hopefully other people will be posting their naked painted pets' clothing wish lists here, and I'll keep checking back to see if I can help (and help myself make room in my closet!).


Here's what I have to offer:

  • Elderly Acara
  • Aisha collar (no idea which color it goes with -- it's red with a gold A)
  • Mystery Island Blumaroo
  • Mystery Island and robot Bori
  • green and split Bruce
  • Mystery Island and snow Chia
  • Robot Cybunny
  • Mystery Island and robot Hissi
  • Robot Jetsam
  • Halloween Korbat
  • Disco Lutari (can you transfer Lutari? I know you can't pound them)
  • Robot Nimmo
  • Mystery Island Peophin
  • Mystery Island Quiggle
  • Robot Tuskaninny
  • Robot Uni

Send me a PM if you're interested in any of the above. (That's 20 paint sets, and most of them have multiple items -- that's probably over 10% of my closet space that's been rendered useless.)


People could also offer to transfer their own pet who's been zapped an undesired combo, for people with that species to strip and send back (again, free extra clothes for the receiver, more closet space for the giver) -- but obviously that depends on how attached you are to the pet. Mine is my battle pet, so she doesn't leave my account so I can do the daily skirmishes. Once I retire her from zapping, I may transfer back an "extra" pet from my side whom I'd be willing to lend for a stripping. (I'm personally interested in Flotsam, Ixi, and Mynci clothes.)


I had a topic just for this year, but it died after a short while, alas! x3 It would be nice to revive it- I'm sure there are others out there looking for PB clothing as well.



(and no, Siniri, you can't transfer Lutari either. You're stuck with that, unfortunately! And the Aisha Collar goes with any colour Aisha that doesn't have a unique collar of its own. :))

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