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Strategies for ranking up


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What are your strategies for ranking up? Also, is there anything that motivates you to rank up?

For me, I usually play YYB in sets of 5 or 10 and SOSD in sets of 60 and after that I usually take a ten-minute break for tumblr and other stuff. I also have to make sure that all my total games played has to end in either a 0 or a 5, or sometimes a multiple of 12 if it's SOSD. I rarely play MSN, but when I do, the total games played has to be a multiple of 12.

As far as motivation goes, prize shop points are the biggest motive for me, mostly because my gallery consists partially of AC memorabilia. Another big motive is knowing that my team isn't doing so hot right now (and Altador has swept us two days in a row #thatswhenyouknow) and they need all the help they can get.


How about the rest of you? :)

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I do my ShoSho in sets of 40, because around that time, it starts to slow down. Then I'll switch to doing something for a couple minutes--6 games of MSN, or a few minutes of something else entirely.


I also write challenges for Terror Mountain--I give a scenario, and people have to play a certain number of games, or get a certain number of goals, etc., to avert disaster.

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Most days. I find a video/song/album that's around 30 minutes in length and listen to it while I play. When it finishes (and I finish the game I'm on), I'll take a short break and get a snack, something to drink or move around a little.

It helps stave off the boredom-induced insanity.

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I don't play for long periods of time but when I do play, I play in these sets:

  • Either 5 or 10 exact matches of YYB (depends how long I will be playing for)
  • I play Slushie Slinger in sets of 2 when I feel like slowing down a bit
  • I play SOSD in sets of 12
  • I don't play MSN because it gives me a headache...
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I play 2 games at once. I keep YYB open in one window, and another (usually SOSD or SS, sometimes MSN but I realllly hate that game xD) splitscreen on the right.


Whenever I score in YYB, or get a Darigan Yooyu (not even gonna try to score with that), I switch to the other game. In the time after a goal, during the cutscene, there's time to get one game of SOSD or MSN in. For SS, I let the lines build while I'm playing YYB, then after a goal or during a Darigan, I switch to the SS game and feed a row of patrons, leaving my tuskaninny at the end of the row I fed to collect the cups that come back when I switch back over to YYB to score another goal.


I don't know if it helps you level any FASTER, since you're not skipping as much of the cutscenes in the YYB game, but I like this method as it helps break up the monotony of playing one game for an hour+ straight. It also utilizes the time that would be wasted chasing around the Darigan yooyu or waiting for the Slushie Slinger lines to build, especially early on in the game.


If anyone would be interested in seeing this method illustrated, I could attempt making a screen capture video.

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For me, I just keep myself from getting too bored by listening to audio books while playing. I'm able to basically zone out and focus on something interesting while playing. I also have the TDN irc chat open on the screen as well, but I tend to just read it and not chat much while playing since I'm already multitasking enough. XD

I play mainly SOSD, with a little YYB and MSN thrown in when I get bored. I haven't played a single game of SS yet this year, and I don't plan on it- I really really hate that game.

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Like Emily, I play 2 games at once. Normally, I play yooyu until I get a darigan ball. Then I switch to SOSD and play that until the yooyu game goal or timeup and switch back.

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I mostly just play SoSD, and I play until I've maxed, if I'm able.


I listen to an audio book so I keep my mind occupied enough to not start thinking about other things. (When I used to listen to music, my mind would wander and next thing I knew, I'd be browsing around different sites for hours.) Then I give myself a quick break every 100 games, just to give me a minute or two to recover. I update my counter every 100 games and I also keep a sheet of paper with each hundred set written out, up to maxing, that I cross off as I achieve the number. That gives me a sense of accomplishment and helps me to keep going.

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