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Okay, am i going loony or

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Does the difficulty of certain BD opponents increase as your boosts increase? I have been using the same method of battling the Koi Warrior every day for the past few weeks (since the war ended) and nothing ever changed. I was always able to defeat him in 2 rounds losing at most 25 hp. However, I just hit my 125 boost in str and went to do the rounds at the BD. Suddenly that fishy sucker started using lens flare on me when he never had before. And his hp was 65 when it had always been 62 to me. This brings up a lot of questions if I'm right and the opponents do get tougher as you level up.


First of all, exactly how would the difficulty increase work? Do you only get 1 boost in difficulty per boost level reached? Like, would I only see that 1 increase in toughness even after I get my defense up to the 125 boost or would an entirely different tier of difficulty activate as my defense boosted which would mean 2 difficulty boosts per str/def boost. And like, would you notice it with every boost or does it only pop up at like, predetermined check marks. Example: A pet that only has the 8 point boost would experience the same opponent level as a pet with the 20 point boost. But after they get to the 35 point boost they notice the opponents getting harder.


I know, I'm kinda rambling, and the way I'm explaining this may be terrible. I also may just be talking about this while everyone else already knows for certain whether or not opponents get harder after a while. But this is something I only just noticed and I wanted to make sure that I'm not just terribly sleep deprived and hallucinating. :S

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So I'm playing KQ, but I'll answer your question.

TNT added Faerie abilities today to all regular challengers.

It was just a coincidence that you also reached the 125 boost today.

No, the opponents don't get harder even if you reach the 750 boost.


Edit: There! Now you could silently delete your post.

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I just went on the neoboards and saw that and felt really stupid. And noooooooo! You quoted me so now I can't silently delete my shame and pretend this never happened.

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