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Hello there!


My name is Lulu and I'm a pretty long time user of Neopets - my main account, rainbowdream, will be turning 13 years old this year! I created it while I was pretty young though so I don't actually have anything really impressive on it like cool old items or such haha. I'm really happy to still have it though.


Honestly, I joined mostly for the faerie quest threads (I just got one today) and the other help topics. I'm honestly not the best at all the games and such so I still have a lot to learn. I've lurked a lot on these boards so I might as well join for once.


I don't really have much else to say so I guess hope to see you all around :)!

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Welcome to TDN, Lulu! I am a Lulu too, but only my mom gets to call me that :P On here I'm just plain Lou.

I think the nice thing about Neopets is the wide variety of activities that exist now that don't require skill at flash games. And everyone here is really helpful (as you may have notice from lurking) and I think your experience only gets better when you're part of the conversation.


Have fun!

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Hello! Lulu is actually a nickname for a pseudonym, but I really love names that can be shortened to it. Lou is a really pretty name!


Yes, I'm really glad to have joined! I have already gotten help for my faerie quest in a very short time period. It's really impressive how many people there are here that are willing to help out!

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Welcome to TDNF, Lulu! Wow...Your account is going to be 13 years old soon? O_o That's almost as old as I am. :P

I agree, TDNF is a great place to ask for help. Don't be afraid to ask questions! We're always here to help. :yes:

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Your account is impressive on its own! Making a lot of neopoints or having a lot of cool items only helps if you are going to use them (or show them off in a gallery). We can point you to the right direction on how to rake in the cash, so just be patient and don't frustrate yourself with impossible goals!

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Hi Lulu! I'm glad you finally decided to make an account here, I'm sure you'll find it fun and comfortable! :) Love your name also.

Take care!

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Sorry for the late replies, I had homework and school to attend to haha.




Welcome! You'll find out most of the community is here to help, so don't be afraid to make a topic in the help section(s) if you need any! :)


Thank you! I appreciate the welcome :)




Welcome to TDNF, Lulu! Wow...Your account is going to be 13 years old soon? o_O That's almost as old as I am. :P

I agree, TDNF is a great place to ask for help. Don't be afraid to ask questions! We're always here to help. :yes:


Oh man, it's so weird to think that my first Neopet is almost as old as many teenagers! It makes me feel really old :P. And thank you!




Your account is impressive on its own! Making a lot of neopoints or having a lot of cool items only helps if you are going to use them (or show them off in a gallery). We can point you to the right direction on how to rake in the cash, so just be patient and don't frustrate yourself with impossible goals!


Thanks! I personally wish I hadn't taken as many hiatuses though, or at least saved some items from the old days. I'm kind of mad at myself for changing my Gelert's webpage from the original Polypups page though since it would have been cool to have that still. I've thought up some good goals so I'm hoping to work towards those!




Hi Lulu! I'm glad you finally decided to make an account here, I'm sure you'll find it fun and comfortable! :) Love your name also.

Take care!


Thank you! I personally love the pun in your username ahahaha :)

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Hi Lulu! Welcome to TDN :)


That's a huge achievement to reach 13 years with the same account! I don't think I've seen a 13-year shield yet, so I'll be excited to see what yours looks like! I'm just waiting until mine turns 12 this year and I can get the Money Tree Shield :)


I hope to see you around the boards, I'm sure you'll find more than just the Faerie Quest threads helpful too!

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Hi Lulu! Welcome to TDN :)


That's a huge achievement to reach 13 years with the same account! I don't think I've seen a 13-year shield yet, so I'll be excited to see what yours looks like! I'm just waiting until mine turns 12 this year and I can get the Money Tree Shield :)


I hope to see you around the boards, I'm sure you'll find more than just the Faerie Quest threads helpful too!


Thank you very much! It's fun to discuss Neopets here :).


Wow, your account is very old as well! I haven't seen that shield yet either, so I'm waiting till it turns thirteen on May 22nd to see what it looks like. And I'm hopefully going to try to be pretty active on here, especially once I finish school :).

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