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How do you earn your neopoints?


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I thought this would be an interesting topic because as you guys know, there are TONS of ways to earn neopoints throughout the site.

So my question is simple:

How do you earn your neopoints?

Personally, I use alot of common methods to earn neopoints.

1) I'd have to say my most consistent source of income would be completing all of the dailies (outlined very nicely on TDN site).

2) I have had much success in the battledome battling weaker opponents and picking up a couple codestones per day.

3) If I have time on my hands, not much beats Key Quest personally and I can usually make almost 100,000 NP off a couple of keys.

4) I still do enjoy playing flash games (especially since the 5x submit score event began) due to their profitability and the fact that they are entertaining.

I personally don't care for things like the stock market, restocking, etc. because in my opinion if I'm not having fun while earning neopoints, I might as well not be earning them at all. I know some people feel differently though and that's all good.

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