hedu Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Hi, all. I just finished my new userlookup design and everything looks and seems to be working just fine... in Firefox. However, there is a slight problem when I view it with IE. The contents on the right seems to jumble together in one particular section. To see for yourself, just go to my lookup while using Firefox, then try it again with IE. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this? If you need to take a look at the internals, feel free to view page source. :)
webpixie Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 great job on the lookup perfect example of simple yet excellent ^_^ ah sorry i did speak too soon, i didnt notice how 'goal' was going under your other stuff... i dont often use the codeing style you are so you've got me.. only thing i can suggest is to play around with it.. you could just split it into 2 dffrent div layers..
Izzy ♥ Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Not sure if this will work, but might as well try it: add a couple of <br> to push the "Goal" title down a bit, so its under the avie pics. I don't know what effect this will have in Firefox though, I dont have firefox so I can't test it for you... Other than that, I'm out of ideas, it all looks okay to me though I have to admit I use a different style of code for my own lookups so my knowledge of the style you've used it kinda limited... Otherwise - great lookup!
hedu Posted March 24, 2007 Author Posted March 24, 2007 Thanks for the compliments. :) I tried the <BR> idea before but it didn't work. However, I'm curious to know what coding style you guys use because maybe that's my problem. Maybe my coding is all wrong.
webpixie Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Thanks for the compliments. :) I tried the <BR> idea before but it didn't work. However, I'm curious to know what coding style you guys use because maybe that's my problem. Maybe my coding is all wrong. actully you seem to be takeing a more traditional approch as if its an actul webpage, where for the most part the rest of us just use the minimal of whats needed to make it look right.. it list tags for example i would only use if i wanted bullets, otherwise i would just use br and force the next one to the next line but it would be a pain to go back and change all of that, i would try simply starting a new div layour at the begining of goals that way that layer is forced to start lower.. this would be more of a bandaid solution then finding out why it wont work of course but it will look right in the mean time..
hedu Posted March 24, 2007 Author Posted March 24, 2007 actully you seem to be takeing a more traditional approch as if its an actul webpage, where for the most part the rest of us just use the minimal of whats needed to make it look right.. it list tags for example i would only use if i wanted bullets, otherwise i would just use br and force the next one to the next line but it would be a pain to go back and change all of that, i would try simply starting a new div layour at the begining of goals that way that layer is forced to start lower.. this would be more of a bandaid solution then finding out why it wont work of course but it will look right in the mean time.. Yeah, when I try to work around pre-existing code, I get easily frustrated and confused. I'm much more comfortable with making a page from scratch, where I have control over all aspects of the page. I'm glad you brought up the point of using as little code as possible, because I noticed that I have quite a lot of code there and I quickly ran out of available characters, so I couldn't add anything up at the top like a little 'about me' section like I had originally planned. Aside from your suggestion about the list tags, do you know of anything else I could do to minimize my code? I really appreciate you helping me out, and I'm going to give the div idea you mentioned a try. :)
webpixie Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Well not using the list will take out allot because of how much you use it. I would also weed thru your style section and see what all dosnt need to be there. I think I saw a colpe things that werent needed for your syle of lookup. Easiest way is to delte one tag apply and see how it looks, if it dosnt chance keep it out..(obviusly check on both browsers) Also unless you define somthing in your paragraph tag dont bother closing it as on neopets its really pointless and each one can save you 4 charicters ^_^ just use it like you would a br tag putting it in where you want a full blank line inbetween text..(in other words traditional codeing can go out the window, lol)
The Big Cheese Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 from the code I got from viewing the source, this is what I came up with, hopefully it will work. <!-- host - www182.neopets.com //--> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/template.css?v=1"> <style>#ban_spacer.show { width:728px; height:90px; margin: 0; text-align:center; background: #452728 no-repeat; background-position: center; } #ban_spacer.noshow { width: 0; height: 0; display:none; background-position: center; } #nst{width:110px;font-size:8pt;border:1px solid #B4B38D;background-color:#DEE3D7;color:#000000;padding:2px;margin:0px} #ban { height:0px; margin:0px; display:none; } .tt{color:#FFFFFF} .tl, .tl:hover{color:#F4F2BB} </style><title>Neopets - User Lookup</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://images.neopets.com/n.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var nl='en',nh=5,nm=6,ns=16,na='pm',ncl=new Array(0,53,104,137,169,198,231,265,299,335,368,397,427); 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Poogle</b> Designed and coded by me (Heather). 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CHAMPION!!!</b></font></td><td align=center width=100 valign=top><img src='https://images.neopets.com/trophies/115_1.gif' width=80 border=0 height=80 alt='Beating Punchbag Bob CHAMPION!!!'><br><font size=1><b>Beating Punchbag Bob CHAMPION!!!</b></font></td><td align=center width=100 valign=top><img src='https://images.neopets.com/trophies/182_4.gif' width=80 border=0 height=80 alt='Runner-up medal at Invasion of Meridell!!'><br><font size=1>Runner-up medal at <br>Invasion of Meridell!!</font></td><td align=center width=100 valign=top><img src='https://images.neopets.com/trophies/216_2.gif' width=80 border=0 height=80 alt='Second place at Cellblock!!'><br><font size=1>Second place at <br>Cellblock!!</font></td></tr><tr><td align=center width=100 valign=top><img src='https://images.neopets.com/trophies/734_1.gif' width=80 border=0 height=80 alt='Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway CHAMPION!!!'><br><font size=1><b>Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway CHAMPION!!!</b></font></td></table><br><br> <hr size=1 align=center noshade> <p> <table cellpadding=6 border=0 cellspacing=0 align="center"> <tr><td align="center"> <a href='neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=heatherthestrange'><img src='https://images.neopets.com/icons/neomail.gif' width="40" height="40" border=0 alt='Send a Message'></a><br> <span class="sf">Send Neomail</span> </td> <td align="center"> <a href='process_neofriend_requests.phtml?_ref_ck=0f1296c0dd4870ab0f6081e6005814e0&dowhat=add_single_neofriend&neofriend_add=heatherthestrange'><img src='https://images.neopets.com/icons/neofriend.gif' width="40" height="40" border=0 alt='Make NeoFriend'></a><br> <span class="sf">Make Neofriend</span> </td> </tr></table> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td align=center><br>
hedu Posted March 25, 2007 Author Posted March 25, 2007 from the code I got from viewing the source, this is what I came up with, hopefully it will work. Whoa, I think it works! I added two non-breaking spaces between avatars and goals and it seems to work fine in both browsers. :D Thanks Big Cheese! Also, I slimmed down my code a bit by taking out the list tags and a couple of other unnecessary things I found. Thanks for your help and suggestions, webpixie. That's odd how in the code posted above it shows that I have all these formatting tags on my tables. I didn't put that there. :eh: This post has been edited by a member of staff (Ryan) because of a violation of the forum rules. PLease do not double post, Post merged Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
webpixie Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 Ah glad you got it fixed properly and glad you were able to stremline your codeing as well. Would love to see any lookups you end up making in the future ^_^
The Big Cheese Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Ryan). The original topic had been answered. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Ryan if you have any questions regarding this action.
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