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Stronger Wave Of Enemies After The Obelisk!

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Who's the easiest in this wave?


And I've heard someone has a poison? Is that true?


There was one in the previous wave that could make you sick, but that ability got removed. I have not seen anything that could make you sick in wave 4.


I've actually won like four-five times now :D on easy/average of course. My Snowglobe Staff and Purple Sticky Hand are pulling through for me now! That and muffins... lots of muffins. I started winning 4-5 times in a row, then my streak got broken. But hey, maybe that second achievement isn't so impossible for me! I just have to stock up on muffins and not fight the Shady Prowler.


*Face palm* I'm so sorry that I posted in the wrong thread. I was tired and didn't notice which thread I was posting in. I'd delete my post but I can find a delete post button. Anyway I kind of wish I was still fighting the raiding party. They don't make me spend as much NP.

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