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Hey everyone ! I'm bangaha


This upcoming war got me completely unprepared . I made a little break on neopets since there was nothing new , but then i saw that in one week is a war ( Well now , in two days ).


I need a new Battledome set . Right now my weapons are awful... i think .... but you will think that too.


So uh , here are the stats : 81 HP , 44 ATT , and lousy 26 DF and LV 26

The weapons :

Barbat Throwing Star

Leaf Shield


Swift Darkfire Neggbomb

Darksplash Negg Bomb

Purple sticky hand

Jittery Jipple pear potion ( Man what a name )

Magical healing potion


I know its horrible , but im just a lousy trainer


Please can someone save me from losing this war so early ?
My budget goes til' 400k.

Pleaseee !!!

Thanks in advance <3


Here are some suggestions:


Training. Weapons are most effective when you have a well-trained pet. You're not too far from the 55 strength boost, so if you can get there, you'll do 33% more damage since your multiplier will go from 1.5 to 2. I wouldn't worry about defense for now. In the long run, you'll probably want to increase it, but since you have a pet that's not currently trainable, you probably don't have time to train up to the 35 boost. Strength is more important for now.


Constants. Right now you have one good constant and one decent one. The Barbat Throwing Star does a solid 11 icons. However, you could stand to upgrade the Jittery Jipple Pear Potion. This potion attacks based on your opponent's intelligence, and all 1-P opponents such as your opponents in the war have an intelligence of 0. So, you're only getting 6 icons out of this weapon each time you use it. You could look into upgrading to a 9-iconer like Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, 10-iconer like Scroll of the Scholar, or an 11-iconer like Scroll of Knowledge. My advice is to get the most icons as your budget allows, but you'll also need to consider the other upgrades. You could also consider a dual duty like Snowager Sword. You sacrifice some attack icons, but you gain defense icons, and since your defense isn't abysmal compared to your strength, it could help you.


Shields. Leaf Shield is an excellent shield, especially for a beginner. Other good cheap ones are Patched Magic Hat and Parasol of Unfortunate Demise. The parasol is particularly nice because it's a full blocker, and it defends using your opponent's boost instead of your own. I also particularly like Virtupets X-514 Super Shield because it defends 5 different types of icons, so you're almost guaranteed to defend something regardless of what weapons your opponent uses. Sophies Magic Hat is also a good shield and within your price range, but I advise against spending so much on a shield due to your low defense boost.


Bomb. At your level, your best option is one-use bombs. You already have two good ones: Swift Darkfire Negg Bomb and its slightly weaker sibling Darksplash Negg Bomb. You can also look into the 15-icon muffins like Golden Muffin or Brain Muffin, or the slightly cheaper 13-icon Jar of Meepit Eyes.


Freezer. I find freezers incredibly helpful in my Battledome strategy. The best time to use a bomb is when your opponent is frozen. The best affordable freezer around right now is Randomly Firing Freeze Ray, but it's rather inflated right now. Another option is training up your level and faerie abilities to get Lens Flare, which is a 100% freeze, but that might be a reach for you with time and NP. You could also consider Snowglobe Staff or Scroll of Freezing, but they are fairly unreliable and/or likely to break.


Healer. Magical Healing Potion is good for someone at your level. If you have the NP, you could upgrade to either Lesser Healing Scroll or Greater Healing Scroll.


Stealer. Purple Sticky Hand is pretty much the best affordable stealer. However, I find stealing to be not very useful in battle. If it's something that works for you, stick with it, but if not, then I'd recommend selling this to fund a different upgrade and/or your training.


Other. Hang on to Downsize!. It's a good one. For important battles, you could also consider one-use items like Thick Smoke Bomb or Lucky Robots Foot.


For more alternatives to the weapons suggested above, check out the Battlepedia's Basic Weapon Sets guide.


Great ! Thank you very much . I considered buying an Greater healing scroll , but its so expensive right now , and tommorow is the war. Aw man , anyway , thanks again . Now im better prepared

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