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Morning all, I'm Rey! New to TDN, and returning to NP after a looooong hiatus (in the range of about 7years). There's so much new stuff around that I know the only way to keep up with everything is to enlist the help of others, so here I am. :laughingsmiley: Feel free to say hey on the boards or on Neopets, I'll be around!



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Heya Rey, welcome!


I am new to TDN as well, and like you recently back from a neo-break, though not quite as long as you! Hope you have fun finding all your old faves and that you find some new ones too!



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Thanks everyone, glad to know how helpful everyone is, I'll do what I can to give back too. So far it seems that all of the new (to me) changes are fo the better, but apparently I missed a whoooooole bunch of plots... and I've gotten in almost no training prior to the opening of this plot :hmmph: That being said, codestones are still 10~15k CHEAPER than they were a while back so it could be worse.


p.s. Doozy: sick Spyro sig :thumbsup:

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What made you decide to come back after all that time?


Thanks for the welcome Koralis :laughingsmiley: Honestly? a reliable internet connection, and curiosity. It also helps that my signifigant other plays, but not nearly as often as I do. I will say that I came back at a good time, had a few weeks to train a little before this war starts. #TeamErisim

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Thanks for the welcome Koralis :laughingsmiley: Honestly? a reliable internet connection, and curiosity. It also helps that my signifigant other plays, but not nearly as often as I do. I will say that I came back at a good time, had a few weeks to train a little before this war starts. #TeamErisim


Haha nice, a reliable internet connection is always a plus! Such good timing too, I always seem to miss the plots/wars - I'm so glad I'm around for this one. I gather you've sided with the Order, good luck!

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