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Pet lookup question


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Hi! I just had a quick question about pet lookup costumisation.


I really love UC pet poses way better than the new ones. And I don't care for dress ups either.

So I was thinking I could place a picture of a plushie UC Wocky over my normal plushie Wocky on it's pet lookup.

But I'm not sure if it's allowed. Anyone have any clue about that?

I read somewhere that it is allowed to place your own art over a pet's pic but that it is not allowed to place a pic of say a plushie cybunny over a pic of a yellow cybunny.

But in my case both are plushie Wockys,just different poses.

So i'm a little confused and I hope someone can shed some light on the subject.

Thanks in advance! :)

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I would guess that's not allowed. UC pets are valued over converted ones, so to place the UC picture over yours is deceiving people into thinking you have an UC pet when you don't. I'm not sure though; it does seem like a gray area.


You're not alone in preferring the artwork, though!

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