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Okay wonderful people of TDN....


I need help.


I have been on neopets for YEARS (though have been dormant for many of them too) and have come across some great and not so great random events.


However, NEVER have I gotten the Black Pteri (or tax beast for that matter) as an opponent.


All the battlepedia says is that it is random. Can I please get some more help on this? I play games like pyramids and cheat already. But this is frustrating, especially when one of them is an avatar.


What can I do to get BP as a battledome challenger?


Unfortunately, it is COMPLETELY random. I was lucky and got him while playing sewage surfer for the avatar about a year ago.


Exclusively play non-flash games for as much time as you can spare, I guess. Do NQ and NQII get the non-flash avatars and trophies. (Go Go Go! etc.)


If there were more to it, like for the Snow Beast, we would have said it on the Battlepedia.


If it's any consolation, I've been playing Neo for over 11 years, I've completed NQ and NQ II multiple times, and I'm still missing some random challengers, like the Tax Beast. It's frustrating to know that there are challengers out there that I can't even attempt, but that's what happens with random challengers.

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