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I'm Back after a year

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Hello! We are back from our year long hiatus. Can't stay away from Neopets to long. :3 It's not that different from when we left, but we have missed so many great events :(. Have any of you guys taken a break and were sad when you came back because of how much you missed?

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Well welcome back! :) I look forward to seeing you guys around. I have yet to take a hiatus because I just started playing neopets 10 months ago, haha. BUT you are still here in time for the rest of the advent calendar and there will be many more events next year!

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Welcome back! :)


I always regret all the plots I miss. :( Soooo many avatars I'll never get!

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Welcome back! A year is quite some time. I've been on Neopets for 9 years, but when I was much younger I never participated in events or plots so I've missed out on so many. :(

Hopefully you guys stick around this time! :)

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