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My name is Hana. I'm a twentytwo year old Seattlite that's picking up neopets again after years-long hiatus. :>


I've been playing on and off since the first caption contest, but I can't remember my first few accounts. I'm working towards getting up on my book trophies and finishing the freaking Altador Plot. I cannot for the life of me be patient enough to take care of that petpet!


Anyway, hi :) It will be nice getting to know the commmunity.

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Hello Hana! Welcome to the forums. I'm xandria. :) I know what you mean on the Altador Plot. It took me awhile at first.


As far as the sick petpet - have you been using this guide? http://www.thedailyn...r-plot/vaeolus/

It's important to always keep an eye on the NST clock. It doesn't matter the time between actions as long as you preform one per minute. What I did was start at a certain time, lets say 1:30 NST. Then as soon as it turns 1:31, I preform the correct action, using the link as a guide to double check and make sure I am always clicking the right one. As long as you do it correctly then this part should only take you 10 minutes. I hope you are able to get it soon!


Once you finish that part the next part is a lot easier than you'd think. Using the method described here - http://www.tdnforums...he-water-plant/ you should be able to get it within 5 minutes! & Then you are all done. :) I wanted to give you the link to that thread instead of the actual guide, because doing it this way makes it so much quicker! The last part would have took me hours had I not found that thread. Just let me know if you need any further help.


Hope to see you around!

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