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I adopted a Jetsam from the pound today so that I could get the Jetsam chomp avatar and bought a ghoti to feed it. When I tried to feed it to my Jetsam, it gave me an error message saying that I can't feed my pet while it's in a battle. But when I go to my challenges list, it says that I am currently not in a battle! I then battled my Jetsam once in the battledome thinking that it would reset it somehow but that didn't work. I cleared my browser history in case it was some random error but that didn't work either.. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this or what I can do about it??


Pets have been "stuck" in the battledome (past few days I think?) It happened to my Poogle, a day or two ago but it's fixed itself now. Maybe just wait a little while and they'll become "unstuck" gradually.


The pound is.... glitchy, for lack of better word. I'd bet TNT failed to put in a failsafe as part of the new BD that removes pounded pets from any battle they may be in, and since you don't have the exact same challenger (everyone's is a little different based on their wins/losses) the system's having a freak out.


Seeing as others have had it happen TNT probably knows about this issue and is trying to fix it. I'd submit a ticket if it's a huge deal or getting in the way of other things, but beyond that just wait till it fixes itself.


Thanks guys, I think I'll just wait it out and hope that it fixes itself.


EDIT: Apparently it's not just the Jetsam, but all my pets that are currently "battling". I think I'll send that ticket after all.

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