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Using other people's pictures (copyright etc)


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So I'm curious about how copyright works in terms of using other people's pictures. I know that for a user lookup that you take from someone else you credit them, but what if I want to use a generic picture as a background for my user look up or avatar/signature for TDN or something? For example, if I wanted to make a user lookup with a sunset as a background, and I googled sunset and used a picture, is that fine? Is it ok to submit to a spotlight if you've used other people's images (obviously not the art one)? Or do I actually have to go out and take a photo of a sunset/draw one?? Never really understood what the unspoken rules are around this, so any guidance would be appreciated :)

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I know they're pretty strict because I've credited other people's pictures and they've been rejected anyway, but I'm sure you can use anything for a background unless the person has specifically said not to use their images elsewhere.

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Anything under creative commons is free to use. Try searching deviantart, a lot of people put up stock images there specifically for others to use.

I don't know what neopets policy about photo manipulation is.... sorry

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I just also want to mention that there are stock photo places like Stock Xchng (my personal favorite) and MorgueFile that you can check out - most of the images are free for use as long as you're not making a profit on them, and don't necessarily require credit for something like an avatar or a signature for a forum. Sometimes the only thing they want is to see what you make out of it, if you're using it for a base for a graphic piece.

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Thanks guys! I've never heard of those sites, so will definitely check them out! I think I've probably just been being overly paranoid about this :P But essentially I can use other people's images as long as it doesn't say I can't (like with that copyright stuff over the image)? Might have a go at trying to see if neopets has any specific policy on it...

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