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Avatar help (Kacheek Seek and Packrat)


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Hello everyone. ^_^ Hope you are all doing well today!


I had a couple questions about these two avatars. I've been getting really frustrated with the "Keep smiling" avatar. I play Kacheek Seek until my neopets bored at least every other day. About how long does it take to get that one - I know it's random, but a roundabout estimate from when you got yours would probably make me feel better about it. :P Also - Do I need to keep checking my avi count for this one or will I see the event pop up?


Also - for the packrat avatar, does anyone have any tips? I'm assuming that it has to be 1000 "different" items in your inventory, or have I been wrong all along? If so I'm going to kick myself for that. :laughingsmiley: But it just seems like I'm no-where close to 1000 different items in my SDB. I've only got 350 right now. :sad02:


Any help you might have would be greatly appreciated! :wub_anim:

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Thanks Zombiessque. I've got along way to go then. If anyone wants to donate random junk to me, please feel free to give it to me before you discard. :P & Yeah, I've been playing Kacheek Seek for a month now and still haven't got it yet! Very frustrating, but I'll keep at it. ;)

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Oh my! That is a long time playing. :( I hate that for you, must be pretty frustrating.

One thing I did do with packrat, was I also bought for the rubbish avatar, and any low priced weird item I found in the shops while I was buying "penny" items I snatched up, and that helped to build up my SDB.

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Thanks for the tip. I need the rubbish avi too, but I can't even get 1000 items, much less 5000! When your discarding for the rubbish avatar do they have to be different items then too? Silly question probably... I'm assuming not, as that's nearly impossible and perhaps pretty pricey. :laughingsmiley:


Also - do you know if I'll be able to see the event pop up when I get the "keep smiling" avatar, or should I keep checking?

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Xandria, I can help with the packrat as soon as I get done doing some discarding for my rubbish avvie, I'll just send you a NM when I'm done and I'll give you any extras I have :)

Awh, you are such a sweety. Thank you so very much! & GL getting your rubbish avi. :wub_anim:

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I'm still trying Kacheek Sneak, but you should do Underwater Fishing, Meridell Dump, Money Tree, Mysterious Negg cave and more freebies for Packrat.

Thanks for the tips! I've been getting 10 random items a day from the moneytree and sometimes I get lucky on the neoboards when someone has a 1np sale. Other than that, I've found it difficult to get 1000 "unique" items because I always forget if I have duplicates of something. :P I've been stuffing everything in there though, junk and rare items alike. So I'm sure once I finally have the avi I'll be so happy to finally sell some of that stuff.


edit: Thanks again Dani! ^_^

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Did you get the rubbish avvie already? because if you haven't saving for both at the same time is perfect lol that's what I did, saved up enough items in my SDB for the packrat and then moved forward to the rubbish :)

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Yes, that's what I plan on doing. I still need the rubbish avi... I haven't even attempted it yet because I know I'm going to need at least 5k items give or take a few.

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Yeah it's definitely around that much lol, I put like 6k items in my inventory and I'm finally down to 3557 and it's taken me dayyyyyyyys to get down that far o.O but it helps having people send you items that's for sure :)

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Kacheek seek is such a pain. I think it took me several weeks of playing daily. :/ I hope you get yours soon!


For Rubbish, they definitely don't have to be different items. Just around 5000 items discarded. :)

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Oh, thank you Rebecca. This makes me think I should have been visiting the Obsidian quarry daily. I deff will be from now on. :P

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Heh, that's what I started doing once I started collecting for the Rubbish av. I also bought up all the ones at 1 NP every day. They add up quickly!

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I just progressively started buying 1np items more and more towards the end once I got towards that 1000 items in SDB deal and then from there bought tons of items just to build up my stock until I got to my 6K that I had to start discarding, course having people send me some stuff here and there and everywhere (love the dr. seuss quote there? :D) and getting some of my neofriends (including my mom) doing some trades for me :)

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I'm still working on the Kacheek Seek avvie too, so I'm glad you posted this! I've been playing off an on for months now with no luck yet. As for the pack rat one, I had used some of the lists available and just went through and bought every item it said (as long as it was under 500 NP). I also went to the money tree a lot and saved up all the random crap I got from my dailies. I can always send you my daily junk if you think it would help you :) Just NM me if you want!


EDIT: Also, I'd recommend doing all the avatars where you need to have a bunch of items (like the Mad about Orange, and Dung avatars) because they'll contribute to your item count.

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Oooh, one thing I found REALLY helpful when I was trying to get pack rat was that I played Dice-A-Roo every day. Lots of food items (plus random events!).

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This is slightly off topic, but Rebecca, how long did it take you to get the Dice-A-Roo avatar? I've been trying that one for awhile now too with no success.

Aaaaaaages. I had actually given up hope on it, and just started playing again after I got Premium in hope of more random events and Faerie Quests. I finally did win (I've only ever won the once, and I do still play it a lot!), but the jackpot was only 7k. :(

Good luck getting it! It is SUCH a pain.

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Also - do you know if I'll be able to see the event pop up when I get the "keep smiling" avatar, or should I keep checking?


Yeah you will get a 'something has happened' notification when you get the avvie. It'll appear in the same pop-up that you're playing in. i can't remember how long this avvie took me but it was a while. The 'keep smiling' part is so appropriate - I haven't played since getting the avatar.


The only tips I can offer for the packrat avvie is to put everything in your sdb - it will all build up. Also here's a link to jellyneo's item database with all the items sorted by price - start collecting all the 1np things and work your way up. You'll have all the items in no time. :)


You can also use this for the rubbish avvie - just hoard all the 1np things. Also go to the money tree or second hand shoppe - they both usually have lots of junk - you can only get 10 items a day but it all adds up :) And you never know - you might get something valuable at the same time :D

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I read through the replies twice and didn't see this mentioned, but I could have missed it. (It's early) I thought I'd mention though, it's rumored that it's easier to get the Kacheek Seek avatar if you play it with a Kacheek.


Personally, I'd been playing it for weeks, until my pets got bored, with no luck. I played with a Kacheek while I had one for another avatar, and I got the avatar on the first, or maybe second, day. So I recommend giving that a try. It's not guaranteed to work, but since it'd be easy to try, it'd be worth a try.

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I see you're already doing dailies and grabbing from the Money Tree to collect items for the rubbish/packrat avvies, which was going to be my suggestion! :) It took me quite a while to get packrat, but with patience you can get 1000 items without having to buy very much at all!


If you're willing to wait, also keep in mind that there will be some site events like the Games Master Challenge and Advent Calendar the next few months - you can hoard prizes from those and that unique item count will skyrocket!

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