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Pet Trading... Some help please!

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Pet trading really has become an incredibly complicated ordeal! I can hardly follow all of the pound chat. Anyway, I was wondering, what kind of converted pet can be traded for any UC (including the most low end)? I have a pirate draik that I could do a custom on - would this be anywhere near getting me an Unconverted? :(


A Pirate Draik + Custom could probably get you a low end UC. UCs are strange, they usually go for either very high end converted pets; or amazing names. I`ve seen a VWN UC go for a three letter real word. If you really, really want a UC pet, aye a Draik custom could get you a BN one, or wait around with the purge and try to nab something beautifully named. You never know what you could get for the perfect name, even if it were a basic pet.


Keep in mind that there's no magic formula for getting any pet. A lot of it has to do with what the person who has the UC is looking for, which might be a draik, and it might not. Friends of mine have gotten low-end UCs for converted pets that I think are rather ... unappealing xD The trader wanted it, though, so that's what they got. It's important to know what people are looking for. A custom draik would be one of the more likely regular pets to be traded for an UC though since draiks are generally a more popular species that are harder to obtain.


Hey guys, thanks for the replies! I understand what you're saying about the preference of the trader, but my point for asking was really because I wasn't sure if such trades ever happened at all. Every time I blink, UCs seem to change in value, so I wasn't even sure if a draik was considered an acceptable or fair offer at all! I didn't want to get my hopes up thinking I might be able to get a UC with a draik in the event that it wouldn't happen, heh!


From what I remember from trading, I haven't been on the boards in a few weeks, you can get a low end (mutant most likely) with a draik and a high end paint job (mara, eventide, anything expensive). The only problem is mutants are really hard to trade unless you get a WNed one and most of those don't go for draiks. So it is kind of a toss up, you just need to get lucky.

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