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Hey gang...I'm new'ish, though have been reading TDN for yearrrrrrrs. Having read the recent news about the BD, it looks like I will be 'cramming' here and elsewhere in order to figure out how to get avies while I still can. I think I am pretty hosed though, since I've never trained any pets for it, nor do I have much knowledge of it in general.


So I will likely be about asking newbie BD questions in hopes of picking up the few BD avies I'm still missing.


I've always been impressed by the boards/members here...so I'm looking forward to participating more.


Hmm...what else...I'm an 'older' player...male...Southerner. I'm not big on customizing my pets so much, though, I am rather fond of them. My Gallery is my pride and joy...and it is where pretty much all my NPs go. I play Habitarium and Keyquest...and am a member of a Keyquest Guild.


It is almost 6am..so I need to jet...but, just wanted to say howdy.



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Howdy :) Welcome to the forums! I be Saxen and it's nice to meet you.


There's a lot of BD experts around here that I'm sure would be more than willing to answer your questions ^^


Looking forward to seeing you around the forums! Loving your UN by the way XD

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Hi, and welcome to the tdn forums! As said we have plenty of BDers who can help if needed!

I'm not too much into BD or Key Quest but I do have my Habitarium going and such.



Also; sleep well I guess? :P

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Hi there, and welcome to TDN! -offers cookies-

I hope that we can help you get some of those avatars! :)

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Thank you for the warm re-welcome! /grin


I actually have knocked out a few of the BD avies since yesterday...tonu, shoyru, space faerie (was pretty stoked with that one...I only have 106HP and have not really trained...found a GREAT guide though : http://www.neopets.com/~lurkerkilla ), and jetsam. Charter members lent me pets and set up battles for...sweet!


I still need meuka (trying to catch the flu), battle faerie (any tips on how to 'randomly' get her?), punchbag, and either of the meerca bros.


I will actually track down the right place to ask the BD questions...but, this thread is where my 'Thank you all!' belongs. Cheers! :)

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Hello! (Fellow Southerner here, hee.) Hope you enjoy your time here : )


Oof, yeah, wish you the best of luck on getting the rest of the BD avatars! I don't quite remember where I got my Pox--I think the Wheel of Misfortune. As for the Battle Faerie, I suppose you can (re-)fight weaker enemies as much as you can, and I know doing the DoN and DoNII missions helped me get her. I still need to train up for the Meerca Bros. and the Space Faerie, congrats on beating her!

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