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I hate Kidney Stones...........

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I won't go into the gory details of my misery, but if any of you have ever had one, you know my pain.. This is the 7th one I've had, get them about every year and a half; 2 on the left and now 5 on the right. The worst of it though, was actually the way they treated me at the hospital; the doctor and nurses were lucky I didn't throw a bedpan or two at their heads cause I gots deadly aim when I'm mad.. It took three days of crippling pain, vomiting at their feet, VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE blood in my #1 (which is THE most classic symptom of a kidney stone) and 2 dang ultrasounds for them to finally say, yeah, you have one.. Incompetent I-D-I-O-T-S!!!!!! At least they gave me the good meds for the pain and something to try and help me pass it, but if it doesn't come out within about a week (this has already been going on for almost 4 weeks now, it just got CONSISTENTLY bad over the last few days), I gotta go back for a CT scan and they might have to do surgery.. It's minor, in and out the next day, I've had it before, but the last time the surgeon missed it and put me through 8 days of misery in the hospital because of it.. I'm just cranky about it and kind of afraid of a repeat performance.. And miserable, did I mention I was miserable, cause I am.. Very.. Miserable... LOL!!!


Omg, I am so sorry. D: I've been very lucky, and I've never had a kidney stone. I hope that it comes out on its own in the next day or so! I have hugs if you want them.


I'm so sorry to hear about the pain you are going through. :( It just makes it 10X's worse when you get a crappy doctor (or an overall crappy hospital!). I'm glad they gave you the good meds though, so I hope those are keeping you out of pain. I am assuming you went to the ER? Perhaps after this is all over with, you should consider seeing a urologist. Getting kidney stones that often is not good on your health, mentally or physically. If you haven't already, please talk to a specialist of some sort about some preventative measures you can take to not get these in the first place.


My advice above really also depends on where you live. Here in the states seeing a specialist costs an arm and leg. So if you don't have the money, you are pretty much screwed. I hope you are fortunate enough to live elsewhere, as it may be easier to get treatment.


Please do keep us updated about how your doing and whether or not you have to go in for surgery. Sending lots of hugs and positive vibes your way. I really hope you get to feeling better. :wub_anim:


Aww I'm so sorry. I've never had a kidney stone before but have seen friends and family go through that. I'm sooo sorry. I hope you get better treatment now and I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Good luck and feel better!


That's awful. It took them three days to figure it out? What were they doing that whole time?


I second the recommendation to see a urologist. There are a lot of things that can be done to prevent kidney stones. Depending on what kind of stones they are, a doctor should recommend diet changes or medication to prevent them from forming.


Oh, the horror stories i could tell about suffering because medical people refused to listen to me until i burst into their offices strapped with dynamite. If i hadn't found the right professional as quickly as i did, i might be in a wheelchair today.


So i offer commiseration on the "stubborn doctor" front, a crackpot theory about it being some kind of plot to, i dunno, thin out the human race, or make more money off more expensive procedures, or bring about the downfall of civilization by ensuring it populace is disgruntled and unhealthy .... and a suggestion that you aggressively seek out a GP or a specialist who believes you know what you're talking about and will take strong action on your behalf. I found one, i hope you can find one too :)


Note: the dynamite and the crackpot theories were jokes. Please don't send the bomb squad or The Nice Young Men in Their Clean White Coats to my house.


Update: STILL can't give me a definitive answer as to what's going on.. One doctor is saying it isn't a stone, another saying it is, another not sure.. I've been to emerg 4 times in the last week, they've done 2 ultrasounds and STILL can't settle on a diagnosis, even though the symptoms are pretty clear.. They ARE going to do a CT scan tomorrow morning, so I'll FINALLY know what's going on, but at this point I'll probably need surgery.. I'm just bloody miserable and really sick of being jerked around.. We might have free health care here, but the quality stinks.... I'll let y'all know what happens, but if you don't hear from me within the next couple days, I've probably been admitted :P


Fellow chronic kidney stone haver here! They are the WORST. I've been told by many doctors that people say they're worse than the pain of childbirth, which I find hard to believe, but they still HURT.


I hope you get a real diagnosis soon! And I hope if you do have to have surgery, it'll be quick and as pain-free as possible. I've been lucky to have all my stones pass naturally within a day or two, but I'm just waiting for a time in the future when they get that bad.


Good luck!


I just don't get it.... The first one I had, they ended up doing surgery, then told me there wasn't one in there, that I must have already passed it and sent me home.. Ended up back in emerg the next day 100x worse than I was when I originally went in.. Took them 4 more days to find it, but lied to me about it, saying that they still didn't know what was going on; if my family doctor hadn't come to see me an hour after the hospital doctor did and told me the truth, I never would have known.. All in all, 8 days of being treated like nothing more than a junkie because they couldn't admit they made a mistake, and this is the same hospital I'm dealing with right now... They've never been able to get their hands on one to even tell me what's causing them, so I'm kind of buggered in that respect.. Now I've got one doctor telling me I DON'T have a stone because it's not showing in the ultrasound, then another doctor telling me that ultrasounds rarely show the stone because they're usually so small that it can't detect them and I need a CT scan to really find it, then ANOTHER doctor telling me again that the ultrasounds weren't showing anything (duh) and didn't seem to like it when I told him what the second doctor said.. This time I INSISTED on the CT scan and finally got what I wanted.. I've been having the pain off and on for a MONTH, constant for over a week now, I've lost 5lbs. in the past week cause I can't freaking eat, can't sleep cause of the pain and the meds they have me on make me have to "go" like every 20 minutes and it BLOODY FREAKING HURTS!!!!!!! I've missed the first 2 practice sessions with my choir already because of this and if I miss one more, I may not be able to perform for our Christmas Concert (I'm a very proud and dedicated 1st Tenor :))... Thank goodness I'm not working at the moment.... Ugh, I'm just so angry and frustrated with these stupid doctors right now, it'll be all I can do not to just turn around and scream in their faces, "TOLD YA!!!!!!" Thanks for all the support guys, it is muchly appreciated; wish me luck tomorrow!


I'm sorry :( that must be awful! If I tell my doctor "I think I have cancer" or something else, he feels where I think it's located, and if he's concerned he'll send me for an ultrasound. (because thank god I'm too young for the cheese squeezer xD aka cancer scan)


If it's any consolation, my knee fills with fluid when I get a lot of emotional stress. It becomes really thick within 3 days time, and then gradually takes 4 to 7 days to become normal again. This hurts a bit but I can barely bend my knee for a good 3 days. Either that or it is also that I get every 6 months.... >.>; but thus far it only occurred under those conditions and timescale. But it's a repeatable process, the knee gets thick, then 2 weeks normal, then thick again. Rather annoying, but thankfully not as painful as your thing.


That's awful! I've never had one myself, but my brother's had three at the age of 21. They've been wanting to perform tests, but he refuses to use the strainer when he has them so that they can collect a sample. I've no doubt it's due to all the soda he drinks, though. He goes through a 12-pack a day and has since I can remember.


I wish I could say I can't believe how incompetent your doctors were, but I had something similar go on a couple years ago with gallstones. I went into the ER once weekly for two months, and then twice weekly for a couple more weeks before they finally decided it might be my gall bladder. It's ridiculous that you had to go through all that. Your pain's bad enough without idiot doctors prolonging your misery. I hope you can get it (and them) sorted out.

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