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Advice/Suggestions with Stock Market portfolio?

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First off, I started a week ago doing serious stock investments in the neopets stock market and I'm looking for advice or suggestions to where i'm doing alright or not so good on. I don't know if I'm on the right track so I'm posting my portfolio ( a crappy version XD) Let me know if i'm doing fine or what i should fix. Thanks?


Name Current Price/ Holding Qty / Paid / MarketVal / %Change

BB 14 / 200 / 3400 / 2800 /-17.65%

BOTT 20 / 20 / 340 / 400 /+17.65%

COFL 14 / 1550 / 23250 / 21700 /-6.67%

CYBU 8 / 20 / 540 / 160 /-70.37%

HELT 10 / 200 / 3000 / 2000 /-33.33%

KBAT 10 / 100 / 2000 / 1000 /-50.00%

POWR 18 /700 / 10500 / 12600 /+20.00%

SHRX 17 /1000 / 15000 / 17000 /+13.33%

SMUG 13 /1950 / 30200 / 25350 /-16.06%

TPEG 20 /105 / 1885 / 2100 /+11.41%


can't make head nor tales of that text, could you post a screenshot?


Anyway, don't buy any stock that's higher than 15,000, and if you wanna make serious profit it has to be a long term thing.


The stock market is really pretty simple. Buy at 15, sell when you feel the stock has increased enough to make a decent profit. It definitely isn't a get rich quick scheme, I mean it can be, but most of the time it isn't. Just watch your stocks and sell when one has become worth a lot.

Don't be afraid to put all your 15k in one stock in one day. It's nice when you have a lot of one stock and it reaches your sell point, and if you buy stocks every day, you will soon have stocks in many of the companies.


Like the others said, buy at 15 and not higher, sell when you feel you've made a decent profit. I'm currently going for the avatar so I only sell when they're over 100.00% up but before that I usually sold at anything over 50.00% (so you get 20,000 for every 15,000 you pay). If you sell lower (which 50.00% is) it pays out faster, but you make more in the long run if you wait for higher percentages. I base my choice by how much I need the NP right then. When your stocks go down (and they will) no biggie, just wait it out. They go back up eventually. Just check your stock daily, sell the high ones and keep buying at 15 to maintain. If you follow the basics you'll do fine.


One thing nobody has said yet, I always buy 1000 shares (daily max) of one stock. If there is more than one selling at 15 I pick the one I currently have the least of. It just makes things simpler to calculate. If I end up getting 5000 shares of any given stock, I quit buying that one for the time being since the prices have obviously been low for awhile. But that's just me since I like a diverse portfolio :)


Yup, everyone has pretty much given the best advice. Buy at 15. Always buy 1000 shares if you can afford it. Basically you'll be putting in 15k a day for a little while without much return until you build up your portfolio. Diversify your portfolio as much as possible to minimize risk if one stock happens to go under. The selling point is more tricky. If you're just starting out and need the return in NP quickly, you might want to sell at 30. If you have more money and time to kill, you could up your selling point considerably. Personally, I don't sell until at least 60. Which makes it super profitable but I do have to wait it out. Everything does eventually rise (and fall) so it's all about having the patience for it. Good luck!


Yes, buy at 15 as much as possible but if you can't wait, better off buying at 16 or 17.

Always buy 1000 shares a day.

Diversify your stocks like what chiaroscruo said.

Since you're new to the stock market, sell at 30 first so that you can afford to buy more stocks.


I find whatever is 15 Np for the day and then i divide that many stocks into 1000. (So, if there's 4 stocks at 15 Np, I buy 250 of each.) This leads to a very diverse portfolio, and fast. If there's nothing at 15 Np, I'll go for stocks at 16. It doesn't matter if your stocks go under value, like the others have said. They will always come back up eventually. Bankruptcy, apparently, is almost unheard of.


My current sell point is 45, but may go up to 60. (NOT percent, but actual stock cost.) I haven't even considered selling until I've been investing 15k for about 2 months. (When I get the avatar - lol.)


If you're new and can't afford 15k a day in stocks I'd consider finding games you're good at and using the profits from those. Also, try and keep your shop stocked. The more money you invest, the more you'll make.


Your portfolio looks fine. Keep it up! :)


Pineapplesupertramp, the problem is, you're over-diversifying your portfolio. Say, if one of the 4 stocks go to 45, you get 7.5k instead of 30k, Anyway, there are many days for you to buy each stock.


I don't see it as overdiversifying if over time I've invested a lot of Np in each. I'm not just investing 3k or so and then never touching it again, so long as it doesn't sky rocket out of nowhere. If I have 1 million invested, it doesn't matter if I'm taking it out at small incriments or all at once. I'm still getting back at least 3x my investment, while also continuing to invest more.



Another note, I'm not actually investing in 4 stocks a day, that was just an example. Most of the time it's just two, today it was only one. A lot of the time the stocks I invest in are ones I've already added to.



I am interested to hear if this is somehow an unprofitable approach. though. I just need it to be elaborated more.


Like everyone else said, only buy at 15, and buy a full 1,000 shares of each, etc. It will be profitable on every neopoint--eventually--so maximize your use of it. If there is no stock at 15, then I don't see a problem with buying at 16 or 17. You'll still make a large profit.


Remember, though, that it can take a LONG time before you see a profit. Don't be discouraged by this! Eventually, you'll build up a nice portfolio where you'll be able to sell pretty often. I would sell at 30 for a little while, then after a few months increase to 45 or 60. I sell at 60, and I have 5 mil in my portfolio, so you can see that it takes a long time to build up a portfolio before stuff sells. But then when it DOES sell...you can make a million each time :-)


Um, quick question

I have about 100 k ivested in various parts of the stock maket

If I were to just invest 900k worth of nps at once would I still get the avvie?

or does it have to be for a longer period of time


you can't buy more than 1000 shares a day, so that may be hard to do (though they do have that one stock that's somewhere around 900) ... i believe you'll get the avatar as soon as you invest 1 million. don't think there's any exceptions.



EDIT: That 900 something stock will not get you the avatar, as confirmed later down the board. Sorry!


whats the general time estimate it usually take for a given stock at 15 to go to 30, 45, or 60? I'm guessing a couple month, a half a year, and a year, respectively? correct me if I'm wrong.


From everything that I have read, it's all up in the air lol. for 30 it can just be a month, for the others you could wait around for only a couple months to half a year. Could be more. Just keep in mind that it will happen eventually. It's a long term investment. Try to make at least 20k a day so that you can afford stocks but are also making money on the side and don't go broke.



edit: also, you're always allowed to sell your stocks if you need some NP. just always sell in the green - obviously. lol. it's a profit no matter how it happens, just best to wait if you can.


Um, quick question

I have about 100 k ivested in various parts of the stock maket

If I were to just invest 900k worth of nps at once would I still get the avvie?

or does it have to be for a longer period of time


You can't invest in KSON; TNT has said that investing in KSON (the 900 something stock) will not get you the avatar. Investing in VPTS will work though (the 700 something stock).


Actually you can get the avvie by buying KSON provided that its stock price is less than 1000.

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