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can anyone help me heer :(


i was just playing around on neopets and it said


something has happened , you have found a baby paintbrush on the floor


but i didnt get it , does anyone know why :(


im so sad lol :(


Are you sure you didn't find it in a user's shop or on their lookup? If you did, it might have been a fake random event :c


I think so. I'm sorry that it wasn't a real one :c


Ugh. I hate those fake random events in shops. :| They're annoying, and some people think they're real- it just seems unfair. :(


For future reference, real random events always appear at the top of the page- just below the navigation bar with the drop down menues. So if you get a real random event in someone's shop, it'll be above their shopkeeper and the navigation to shops/inventory/battledome, etc.


I've never received a paint brush in a random event, but don't you get it from Jacko when you get one?


The fake random event might also have had a "click here" thing, where it leads you to someone's wishlist, fonts, whatever. Fake REs can be useful for some people, although not as useful as something not deceitful.

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