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Something suspicious happened on the Neoboards....

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I posted a topic about an idea for a new color, Puzzle. A Puzzle neopet where you can clearly see each puzzle piece put together. Within a minute, my topic was removed promptly. Nothing was wrong with it and I dont see any other Puzzle neopet topic at all. I posted a different idea a minute later and my topic is still there. So, perhaps Puzzle is being made into a new color?


i dont think they would delete a board because they are releasing a new colour. They never deleted the elderly board on charter and they came out with elderly a month later... maybe someone said something bad on there or you accidentally used a bad word?


I doubt they would delete a board for posting an idea that is in progress.

Did you possibly post it on the wrong board? If so, they deleted it for spam.


Or, it's possible that someone that had replied, replied with something against the rules so the whole board was deleted.


A puzzle neopet sounds pretty cool, though!


Like justnthyme says it could have been deleted for spamming, depending on where you posted it. If it was on Pound Chat and you weren't advertising a pet it would have been considered spam, same as if you weren't talking about avatars on the Avatar Chat. Always make sure you're on topic :)


Well that's weird.. I've never heard of them anything like that before. Anyways, a Puzzle color would be awesome! :laughingsmiley:


It was posted in ideas/suggestions board which is the right place, and I know I didnt post any bad words I looked over my post before posting. It was only up a minute and it was 11pm so chances of someone replying with spam within a minute that late at night is improbable. It's very weird this never happened before to me.


It's possible that it was just a random glitch or something. Neo's been known to do odd things at times.


Maybe it was removed due to how specific the idea was. I don't know if TNT removes topics like that, but they have stated in an Editorial that when suggestions are made, they want them vague, because there's potential issues with very specific suggestions. (Or possibly they don't want any paint brush color suggestions. It seems that way from the question below, but I haven't been able to find where that statement was made yet.)


You can find the Editorial question HERE.


The question:

Hey, TNT! First off, thanks for mentioning Tor in that Neopies description of the Lupe Knight Outfit. Second, about that whole "don't suggest a paint brush color or something really specific and creative" thing: does this apply to suggestions for Neopedia articles? I mean, if they're really vague (like "please write a Tormund Neopedia article") is that okay, or is it still too specific? Please end this Editorial with a picture of Tor! ~kyndalbrooke


Suggesting that you'd like us to write a Neopedia article about Tormund is great! We love such ideas, because then we can offer players something that we know (well, at least one person) wants. What we wouldn't want, however, is something along the lines of "write a Neopedia about Tor going to the Lost Desert and finding a secret tomb..." because if (by happenstance) we write a Neopedia about Tor where he happens to find a tomb in the Lost Desert, then you might claim that we used your idea, regardless of whether we ever saw it. Players will then write in mean things to us and we'll be like "How were we supposed to know? T_T" and players will yell, "They're lying! It's a Neopets conspiiiiiiiiracy!" and all those other bizarre things that you see on the boards. So, yeah... that's why it's better to just be vague. The End.


Reading that editorial...why would they suggest something if they didn't want the idea to get stolen? It makes me sad that they don't want colors to be suggested (according to that editorial) because they could really get a good pool of ideas. Some of the ideas they have used, I'm not so big a fan. For example, Royal is now nearly useless because it's possible to customize your pet. Whereas I think the idea of a Puzzle Pet is awesome!


But I guess according to that editorial, suggesting a new paintbrush is taboo. That's too bad.


According to another Editorial question, it comes down to the fact that it's a legal concern.


The question is HERE.


I was told by a very dear friend that Neopets isn't allowed to take suggestions. Like, if someone draws an amazing idea for an item (like supa cool!) and sends it in, you can't use it for legal reasons. Why is that? Is there any way you could (like, by sending it in with a waiver signed by the person and their lawyer, blah blah blah...)? Am I prying? Is this your personal business? Are you wondering how many random, pointless, and strange questions I'm gonna squeeze in before I hit the 1k character max? I ran out of questions. Isn't that odd? Oh! There's one! :) ~jeeper383


Legal reasons, just like your friend said. ;) There are just too many touchy things involved if we use item ideas by folks that are not employed at the company. *gives you a carrot and gently nudges you away from the sugary snacks*

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