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I totally understand where your coming from but Boy Scouts does background checks for leaders. They will know eventually and it could just make it worse for the man if he doesn't state it that he is open about it. If he isn't then that is a whole different thing, just like boys themselves who are not open, no one would know unless they say it. I don't think anyone has the right to know unless they are open about it but if you are going to be camping with the same gender it should be known. But that is also why if a woman cannot camp with boys who is straight then a man cannot camp with boys if he likes boys.


It's to keep away the double standard but also protect them from accusations that could come of it.


And yes, I know a lot of people don't see the good part in this. They are taking a stand for what they believe in but they are also protecting the leaders and boys out there.


I agree with the last part 100%. It's not equal and it won't be for a long time I think. :/ Religion is a huge base of the problems but at the same time so is culture. They both have their own ideas about it and many people will not change.


I don't honestly see this advancing a whole lot until my generation has kids, and even their kids having kids. I just don't think many people have it in them to yet accept that some people are different.


A lot of people still don't accept me but a lot of people do. The world is changing and we just need to kick start it better.


Ah, I see now about the background checks; thank you. That just confuses and frustrates me that that is policy, though. Why is that anyone's business but theirs what their orientation is? I don't know...that just seems weird to me still, for anyone, regardless of orientation or gender. But I can still see what you mean about trying to protect people from false accusations.


Yes, religion is seemingly always at the core of most controversial issues, and a lot of the time it is preventing equality from being possible...and yet let's not forget there is apparently a "war on Christianity" in the USA :rolleyes_anim:


The part of this particular era of the Boy Scouts that gives me hope is the scouts themselves returning their badges. They know how to stand up for what is right and fair, and that surely shows that times are changing! Slowly, albeit, but any progress is still progress.


This goes the other way, too...all the people supporting Chick-Fil-A have this:





But people don't think about the ones that aren't incredibly open about it. Chick-Fil-A and Salvation Army are very open about their anti-homosexuality; Chick-Fil-A donates money not just to fight gay marriage, but to kill gays in other countries. A spokesperson for Salvation Army has said that gays deserve death. The Boy Scouts weren't incredibly open about it until it came out that they WERE forcing out homosexuals. Now they are open about it; now people care. (At least as far as I know, though, the Boy Scouts have not actively been for murdering gay people, unlike Chick-Fil-A and Salvation Army.)


People don't think about OPEC so much, even if they ARE open about it. They're alllll the way out there, and we're allll the way over here. But it's true, Americans could boycott them...except not all of America's oil comes from OPEC. We'd be boycotting Canada as well (you know, that country that's totally cool with gay people...) We simply have no way of boycotting the ones that do hate gays without boycotting the ones that don't hate gays.






Since we're bringing in other companies as well...I know this is getting off the topic a bit, but what do you guys who are for the Chick-Fil-A boycott (as am I, although since I've never been to one in my life I'm not doing any good) think about Boston and other cities not allowing Chick-Fil-A in? (I'm in Boston.)


Boston is forcing its views on others.

Chick-A-Fil was stating their personal beliefs.

Blocking them from doing business, because of their beliefs is "discriminatory".


Boston is forcing its views on others.

Chick-A-Fil was stating their personal beliefs.

Blocking them from doing business, because of their beliefs is "discriminatory".


I know that I'm the one who brought that part up, but...


It turns out that Boston is not forcing its views on Chick-Fil-A. It turns out that the so-called "liberal media" actually basically lied to the country to turn people against liberals. Menino did write a letter, but he is not doing anything to block Chick-Fil-A from building. What he did was let them know that he disapproved with their message, and that he WAS discouraging them from building there because it was against the philosophy of the city. And it is for Chick-Fil-A's own good not to build here--they would make no money at all out here.


So, while I definitely believe that the government blocking a business because of a difference in views is WRONG (like you said, discriminatory), that is not actually what's happening.


Boston is discriminating against nobody. The government doesn't actually have that power.

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