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What should I do with my scroll of freezing?


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So I am cleaning out my safety deposit box after getting the packrat avatar and found a scroll of freezing worth ~99,999np. I don't know how or when I received this item. :S


I'm trying to decide what to do with this item in regards to selling it or keeping it for the battledome.


Thoughts anyone?

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I remember getting one through the Wheel of Knowledge so who knows where you got it xD


The Scroll of Freezing guarantees a 100% chance of freezing your opponent but it's also fragile...so in a random battle you might lose it forever and have to replace it.


You can save it for a tough or important fight but other than that, I would personally sell it ^^


Other cool info on battledome weapons here: http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/

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It's quite possible I got it from the wheel of knowledge. I think I'm gonna sell it.


I do battle for the avatars, however, I think that the 'Black Pteri' avatar is the toughest one for me to get, and I think my pet will be ready soon to get it without the scroll of freezing.


Thanks for the input guys!

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If you want a better freezing option a Snowglobe Staff is a better choice than the scroll. I don't think it's fragile and is quite popular for beginner sets. Personally I use a Randomly Firing Freeze Ray and I love it.

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