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whats in a name?


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I finally got enough neopoints to get a zombie paintbrush! Now I can have one of my dream pets! A zombie Kacheek! but now I have no idea what to name her! I definiately want it to be something ghoulish and zombie-like I was thinking of something like braaiiins since I imagine that's all she will say to me =P Any suggestions?

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The name Creepis is free ^_^ I'll try and think of some other ones.


Congrats on saving enough for it! I hate saving XD


Also free: Deaddin, Crawla, Ghoular, Skreim

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Lol, the name Braaaaaaiiiins (or variation thereof, lol) is fantastic! :D I would go for that~

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hmm i think names are very personal and ive had ppl suggest awesome names to me that i didnt go for simply because there is no connection. BUT.. if i were in yr situation i would go for something a bit subtler than braaiiiiiiiiins.. perhaps a pet with a a normal first name and a shocking last one like Ned_Necrobiosis or something like that :)

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