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{KISSEM's} ART CONTEST {Prizes to be won!}


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Contest have been cancelled as I was told that me, myself along with the winners will get frozen(neopets account) cause you're not allowed to have contest that involve neopets item as prizes. o:


I don't want to risk my account. ;n;


So yeah.......


Edited by Kiss
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but in a pinned topic(in the contest section) says


"Remember: It's another person giving away prizes.

so don't be ungrateful"


so just to be clear, you can't run contest involving prize??? I'm confused.@@

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I'm also interested (although, I'm almost as bad at drawing as I am at cooking... :c )

I really love your idea c:

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I'm also interested (although, I'm almost as bad at drawing as I am at cooking... :c )

I really love your idea c:

Awesome! INTEREST!!! <3

It's really just like any other art contest. XDD

Why is TDN soooo quiet?! DX

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You can't hold contests with prizes on neo :O

It could get yourself and the winners frozen after the transaction is completed if tnt finds out about it.


Since this is off-site, you are allowed to hold this contest without neopets prizes. E.g. The winner gets a drawing by: insertvolonteeringartisthere


Just trying to make sure nobody gets in trouble here, with neopets is always better safe than sorry :(

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You can't hold contests with prizes on neo :O

It could get yourself and the winners frozen after the transaction is completed if tnt finds out about it.


Since this is off-site, you are allowed to hold this contest without neopets prizes. E.g. The winner gets a drawing by: insertvolonteeringartisthere


Just trying to make sure nobody gets in trouble here, with neopets is always better safe than sorry :(

Ahhh.... Then I will cancel this competition. c:

Thank you for letting me know. :cool:

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