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Please help me name my draik!

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Emperadia, Aanahshea, Embershee, Verashea, Ahmaranthia, Shardia, Divinah, maybe? c:


To be honest, I'm really not that good with species/color names :c Sorry.


Edit: Deloriah, Marisetta, Viveth

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Ooh Divinah is really pretty! I might choose that one :3


I'm terrible at coming up with names D:


I'm glad you liked it c: Yup me too, haha (◠‿◠)

I usually end up writing down a bunch of names, then check to see if they're available and if I find any of them up for grabs, I usually start thinking ' but what would this pet be like' :b

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oh that would be kinda bad...unless you would want to transfer it for an egg again if its a boy.

Aquiretina? Amber.IDK,im bad at coming up with names.

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