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Zombiepocalypse questionnaire!


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Question 1: What do you think caused the zombie apocalypse? Drugs? Government experiments? Mutations? Mad cow disease? Something else entirely?

Its of course got to be the government.


1.5: What type of zombies are we dealing with? The fast-moving Zombieland type ones? The slow-moving stupid ones? The super scary smart ones from that 1 movie I can't remember that learn how to use weapons?

I too think zombies would vary since people do

2: What would be your first instinct? Run back inside your house, or perhaps try to dodge through the zombies to get to your car?

Maybe stupid but Id go back in my house. I guess try to fortify there. Or be really really quiet till I starved maybe? lol (is scared of zombies)

3: Your goal? Would you want to try and fortify your house to withstand the zombies, or would you want to try to get to the nearest Walmart to hole up? Perhaps you'd just try to get to your loved ones' house.

Well if i was at home I would fortify there. I guess it just depends on where I am when outbreak happens

4: Weapon of choice?

ah i hate guns but definately a gun >.< But since i dont have one Id probably end up using a bat. You can do damage with a bat right? =P

5: Would you describe yourself as squeamish? Could you handle killing things that look like your neighbors and friends?

I definately could kill my neighbors if they were zombies. (they are jerks anyway) friends would be hard but at the end of the day survival is what matters

6: How would it end? Would the world be overrun with zombies or would there be a cure we could find? Or perhaps something inbetween?

Well since the government created it , they would know better than to to take it so maybe a cure? I hope.

7: It's a zombiepocalypse, of course you'll be needing some music. Pick your song!

Ah I think I would jam out to muse =P or something really upbeat

8: Favorite zombie movie/book/game?

I love resident evil 2.

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1: What do you think caused the zombie apocalypse? Drugs? Government experiments? Mutations? Mad cow disease? Something else entirely?

I don't know... Could be all of the above, except maybe mad cow disease.

1.5: What type of zombies are we dealing with? The fast-moving Zombieland type ones? The slow-moving stupid ones? The super scary smart ones from that 1 movie I can't remember that learn how to use weapons?

Slow and stupid. Otherwise, I don't think I'd even want to survive, lol.

2: What would be your first instinct? Run back inside your house, or perhaps try to dodge through the zombies to get to your car?

Might not be the wisest decision, but I think I'd run back to my house.

3: Your goal? Would you want to try and fortify your house to withstand the zombies, or would you want to try to get to the nearest Walmart to hole up? Perhaps you'd just try to get to your loved ones' house.

Probably fortify my house and occasionally go out to grab resources. There would be too much competition in places like Walmart, and I'd like to avoid that kind of situation.

4: Weapon of choice?

Not sure... Guns aren't so easy to get in my country as they are in the US. Plus there's the issue of ammo, noise and the fact that I'm not trained to use one. So maybe I'd get something like a knife/dagger for close-combat, and a crossbow would be great too, if I could get one / knew how to use one.

5: Would you describe yourself as squeamish? Could you handle killing things that look like your neighbors and friends?

This is hard to answer... I'd like to say I'd easily kill them, but who knows how I'd react in the moment.

6: How would it end? Would the world be overrun with zombies or would there be a cure we could find? Or perhaps something inbetween?

To be honest, I think that if people actually started turning into zombies, we'd be able to take care of it before it spread to absurd proportions.

7: It's a zombiepocalypse, of course you'll be needing some music. Pick your song!

"Don't Stop Me Now", by Queen. (Yes, because of Shaun of the Dead lol)

8: Favorite zombie movie/book/game?

I Am Legend (the book, not the movie), most of George A. Romero movies, Shaun of the Dead and Braindead/Dead Alive. I also watch The Walking Dead.

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