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FFQ QUEST - Ohhhhh Yeahhhh


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I am thrilled! So excited!

I am going to be using this to get my Buzzin' avatar. And, as I do not have a Buzz, or a wish to own one - I would like to borrow one from someone else! Yes this means getting your Buzz painted for free!

I am looking for loyal TDN members that have a good post count and avatar count, essentially someone who is an active member of the community (since I've always received so much help on here).


If you wish to submit your Buzz to be considered please post your Neopets username, your Buzz's name, and the color you desire in this thread. (Make sure you have enough pet transfers for July to do this!) I will pick the lucky person and contact them via Neomail July 1st or 2nd.


Good Luck! =) And thanks in advance to anyone who does help me out with this!



Nevermind. Guess I can't even do that.

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Eep, I hate to say this, but TNT said in a recent editorial that this wasn't allowed. :(

You can create a Buzz, paint it, and then give it away, but you can't take someone else's pet and paint it with the fountain, and then give it back. :(


Congrats on the quest though! :3

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I know, it's rather stupid. :(

You can ask if anyone wants a custom Buzz. They can choose the name of the pet, and the colour they want, and then you can create it, keep it for a week while it ages enough to be transferred, and then give it to them. :) That's still within the rules.

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hmm that seems like a silly rule. well i guess they have their reasons.



anyway congrats on the ffq :)

Yeah, I know. :( They said something about not earning your pet colour? o_O TNT has stupid rules sometimes.

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Well now I just have to wait for the user to accept my trade offer. 500K for this avvie. Really. I don't want to give it up in case I never get another.

Unless one of you has a Starry Cupcake I could buy? This person is taking forever in the Trading Post, and I want to be able to use the Shop Wiz again today.

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