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Yooyu Ball tips, tricks, and questions


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So I'm loving that the mouse options to control yooyu ball is back but I'm having a few issues with it and can't tell if it's me or if its the controls.


When I'm trying to get to the ball when it's in a weird place and none of my players are particularly close, it still keeps the player I just had active even though he's the furthest away. The instruction say left click to 'activate' the closest player but quite frankly it's not changing who I'm moving. Anyone else having that issue?


I enjoy the 'bust' feature or whatever you call it when you hit the spacebar in keyboard mode to steal the ball. Again the instruction say to left click to do this with the mouse but I have not yet got one player to do this. Are they lying?


I'm guessing that you also can't play in a mixed mode scenario because when I'm moving around with the mouse and hit the 'L' key, it doesn't actually give me control of the goalie. Any tips on how to activate the goalie quicker with the mouse, I seem to keep missing the area I'm supposed to click to activate him.


Pretty much most of my current problems seem to stem from the left clicking functions and I am playing on a laptop with a track pad with no 'click button' meaning I have to tap my track pad to click. I'm wondering if this is my problem or it's the game? I suppose I'll go look for a mouse eventually to see if it clears up my issues.


Thanks! Also feel free to post other yooyu ball tips, tricks, or questions here for inquiring minds to know :woot:

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I am glad that you posted this, because I am also having these issues...no luck selecting the goalie whatsoever. I haven't tried stealing the ball yet. Perhaps there are some kinks with the controls TNT has yet to work out?

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