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...if they don't do it for really obvious ones?


Maximum score for Catch the Petpet: 700

Top score for Catch the Petpet right now: 1400


Maximum score for Fashion Fever: 300

Top two scores for Fashion fever right now: 330, 310


Wouldn't it be really easy to review any score over a *maximum* score so this doesn't happen?


In the meantime, Snowbeast Snackrifice reviews any score over 60. 60 is easy to get in less than a minute, and it only gives you about 670 points. Why is this reviewed, but not the other games where the scores are not actually possible?


If you noticed, when you click on the users who got over 300 in Fashion Fever, the accounts have been shut down. Meaning since that does have a max score, the score doesn't need to be reviewed since it's so obviously cheating.


I once got 11,020 in Space Rocked's mirror version and it had to be reviwed, even when it was 2k bellow the HST. There is a benchmark for score reviews, so TNT can check to see if it's possible to get that kind of score, since they know you can get the scores bellow the benchmark.


I once got 11,020 in Space Rocked's mirror version and it had to be reviwed, even when it was 2k bellow the HST. There is a benchmark for score reviews, so TNT can check to see if it's possible to get that kind of score, since they know you can get the scores bellow the benchmark.


I understand that...but when it's gotten to the point where it's very obvious that it's possible, why not just stop reviewing those scores? The current high score for Snowbeast Snackrifice is almost thirty times as much as a score that will be reviewed. And why NOT put in the benchmark for the others? The one for Catch the Petpet hasn't been frozen yet.


Well, you could always report the users who have the 1,400scores for catch the petpet. Hm...prehaps the benchmark for the game your talking about, was made a while ago and TNT hasn't updated it. (or they can't update it).


Newbies who get high scores like that (even though 60 isn't high) may be cheating, so it gets reviewed. (I can't even get to 20 points in that game, if I somehow got 60 points tomorrow, then it would look funny so it be reviewed.)


Sometimes your score will go under review based on how fast you achieved it... (For instance, that always happen to me when I play Wrath of the Snowager.)


For the record, I can barely score 20 pts in Snackrifice... not everyone finds that game easy -_-.


I understand that the reviewing process is necessary but I think the benchmarks need to be reconsidered.. along with that, I've seen some friggin' crazy scores slip by without the user getting frozen. I'LL WORK FOR YOU AND REVIEW SCORES, TNT, JUST SORT IT OUT


The reviewing process isn't based on what scores are possible (well, within reason obviously, but as far as I know TNT are pretty good at freezing the impossible scorers) but which scores are the rarest. Also speed, as Xepha mentioned. So yes, it's entirely possible to score (using your example) 60 in Snowbeast Snackrifice in less than a minute, but it isn't that common, which ups the chances that you might be doing something sneaky to achieve that score. So they investigate to check. It's annoying to have to wait though

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