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Sometimes if I see an amazing neopet on the 'Notable Neopet' or on the boards, or if it looks like someone is having a down day I shoot them a quick NM complimenting them on their pet/lookup/account just because I know a lot of people invest large amounts of time, effort (and in some cases, money) into neopets and I just want to let them know they're doing a great job ^-^


So what do you think? Would you get annoyed by neomails like that? Do you ever do a similar thing?


I do the same thing. :) Mostly if I see someone's poem/story/art around and I think it's awesome I normally send a mail saying how good they are XD


I've gotten a couple myself complimenting my pets and whatnot and I think it's lovely. It usually happens when I'm having a bad day as well, which certainly makes me a little happier ^_^


i've never thought of doing that but that's actually really nice. personally none of my pets are really customized but if i had spent the time and money, i think it would be nice to receive a compliment :)


I've never personally sent one, but I have received a couple. One commenting on how nice my pets were, another saying they liked one of my pet pages.


It was nice to receive them, but I would feel awkward sending them myself, because you never know how people will react to things like that.


I sometimes send neomails to people if I liked their Neopian Times comic , their AG entry , if they had a lot of nice Peophins , or if I liked their Gallery :)


and I'm sure no one gets annoyed by them .. personally I love getting NM that compliments me on my efforts :)


Hehe I agree with you guys. I've received a couple and they were all so sweet. One time I even got this neomail from a person thanking me for buying an item from their shop as my NPs helped them save up for their dream PB ^-^ So cute!


I can imagine some people might be a little annoyed but most replies I've had are positive! I just think it's nice to brighten someone else's neo-day ;)


I've never sent or recieved them, but I don't think most people would get annoyed by them. :)

(I mean, if you're going to get into a hissy fit because someone is complementing you... well, haha. :) )


I know I've thought of doing it, but I'm not sure if I've ever actually gone through with it. :laughingsmiley: I think I worry about annoying people, but it's good to know that others do it! Maybe I will, too. :)


I don't think I'd ever be annoyed by any kind of NMs like that! It's always lovely to know what other people think and to receive compliments, hehe. I've sent any myself, but until now the thought has never really crossed my mind, I think I might start.


I DO. I look @the online list&click random names then message them random things


I wouldn't be annoyed, I do the exact same thing ^_^ Sometimes I nm people to ask them what the name is of a certain wearable I see on their pet, or even just to tell them I love their pet!


I usually only Neomail people who state on their userlookup that they would like to be notified when their pet is listed as the Notable Neopet, and I add in a compliment about their Neopet(s).

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