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Lab zap!


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Wow, nice zap! :) I think that Chombies look better Eventide than most pets do~

I haven't had a colour change in a couple of weeks, and that was just changing Mneryth from Fire to Blue. *facepalm* lol

Lost two defence points today. Bah! :P

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@Angelo yeah, I don't like chombies much either :/ thats why I might keep zapping.


@Scoptophobia You'll get a great color zap soon! I've noticed that I get an expensive color zap every 3 months or so, sometimes if I'm lucky I get a bunch of cheap colors/ specie changes in between.

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@Angelo yeah, I don't like chombies much either :/ thats why I might keep zapping.


@Scoptophobia You'll get a great color zap soon! I've noticed that I get an expensive color zap every 3 months or so, sometimes if I'm lucky I get a bunch of cheap colors/ specie changes in between.

I sure hope you're right! I'm getting bored of blue. :P

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I had the same dilemma, when I zapped my Luatari Eventide. Unfortunately Lutaris can't be transferred. So I decided I'll keep zapping, because it's not my favourite species.


So if you really like him, keep him. Otherwise zap or try to trade for another pet :)

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I was thinking of trading her out but I got a bit depressed after my first board. I'm operating under the assumption that eventide is worth around faerie/royal but all the offers I got were colors like split and biscuit *facepalm*

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I was thinking of trading her out but I got a bit depressed after my first board. I'm operating under the assumption that eventide is worth around faerie/royal but all the offers I got were colors like split and biscuit *facepalm*

Wow, that is pretty surprising! I would expect at LEAST Faerie or Royal. Considering it's a LE pet and the paint brush is over 20million... :/

Sorry that your board was so dissapointing! Hopefully you can do a second one that is more successful!

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Maybe try with offering on other pets? And make more boards, or maybe bump into one :D When I was advertising a freshly zapped Jelly Zafara I too got offers that I though were stupid (cheap colours). Don't give up!

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im trying to get my jubjub cococut; so far glowing and clay

You'll get there! Don't give up! I make all my lab pets jubjubs to start off in hopes of getting a coco zap, but I never morph back if they get a species change so I doubt I'll ever get one XD

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