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New player/returning player all in one!


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Hi there!

I cant seem to access my old account from high school so i made a new one!! Which is kind of a bummer because i had wonderful things on there...

SO much has changed since then. I really want to get back into the swing of things. I would like some new friends to play with. Please let me know if you're interested =)

Have a good day



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Welcome to TDN and back to Neopets. :) I'm Spritzie


A lot of things have changed. I was really caught off-guard when I came back in 2009. TDN is the perfect place to find assistance with anything. Everyone is friendly and helpful. :D

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Welcome to TDN Bree :) You can call me Trig. I hope you enjoy yourself around the forums. Feel free to ask any questions if you need help :)

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Welcome! I'm Neomysterion, and I am also a mod.

Let me know if you're stuck on anything, and I'll be honoured to find you a solution!

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Hi Bree. I was also surprised to see all the changes when I started playing again; not too much a fan of buying NeoCash and the Converted pet looks, but I guess all things have to change eventually.

Feel free to add me, my username is moni_rawr and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)

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Thank you all for being so welcoming!! when i first started playing the site was like, brand new. But its amazing how much its grown over the years! I'm already super addicted to some of the games (Key Quest being my #1 new favorite thing to do). I really REALLY wish I could find a way to retrieve my old high school account but I only know the username and that email and password have long been forgotten.. I look forward to getting to know everyone on the forums and to re-learning all of my favorite game features.


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