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After using TDN for who knows how long to help with Dailies along with plots, I have finally decided to join the forums.


My username on Neo is the same as the one I have on here (moni_rawr).


I can be found lurking the Pound, Shop Ads, Trading/Auctions boards along with stalking the Magma Pool and Employment Agency.


A little about me...

I'm Moni and am the lovely age of 22. I prefer to express myself through body modification (14 tattoos and 14 piercings and planning more) along with writing and art (finger painting is the best haha).

If I could, I would eat bacon with every meal.

I am hoping to one day get back into music, mainly piano because everything disappears once that first note is hit and all that matters is the beauty in the music.

I'm a Twinkie...half Asian half Caucasian.

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Welcome! ^_^


I'm Neomysterion, age 20, forum mod, and I've been on Neopets since I was only 10 years old. I also enjoy checking out the Neopian Pound as well, taking a look around and seeing if there are any rare-coloured, fine-named pets that need a home.


If there's any further questions or concerns about Neopets, TDN, or life, feel free to ask any of the helpful members and staffers all around TDN. We'll be glad to help you out. :)

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Welcome Moni :) You can call me Trig. I also think finger painting is awesome although I don't do it. Heh :3 Bacon also rocks :) Welcome to the forums!

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I'm 12.

You have alot of piercings. I only want two more on my ear and my nose. Maybe hips?

I would eat bacon with every meal too. :DDD

OMG I love the piano.

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Hey, Moni. Glad to see you made your way to the forums. Tattoos and piercings are definitely awesome. I just realized that we are also both the same age and I would also eat bacon at every meal if I could. Anways, I hope to see you around the boards and hope you'll enjoy your stay here. ^__^

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Hey Trig :) Haha, I don't finger paint much nowadays since I don't nanny anymore...but it's a nice stress reliever.


Hi Emms, same here! It's nice to be able to chat with fellow Neopians in a more relaxed setting than the boards.


Heya LoveLaughSmiles. Yeahh, I'm pretty much done with piercings, 14 is enough haha. Ear cartilage piercings aren't that bad. I used to have 4 piercings on my left ear and 5 on my right (not including the tragus piercings I had...one of which was rejected and my body forced out). Now I just have two piercings in each ear...the front two holes being gauged to 0s and the back two being gauged to size 2. Nose piercings are a little bit more painful than ear piercings (in my opinion), but they heal quick-ish. With hip piercings, I would suggest skin divers and not dermals. I have lower back dermals and they seem to be getting infected at least every other month because they're not actual piercings per-say. They make a hole in your skin and shove a dermal (looks like a lip stud) into the hole. It's quite painful, and easy to get caught on anything and everything.

Pianos were my first love. Started piano lessons around 2nd grade and it's been my favorite instrument out of all the ones I've played.


Hi Zafie. :) I always love seeing Neopians who are adults also, it reminds me I'm not crazy for playing a child's game haha.


As for bacon, have any of you tried peppers stuffed with cream cheese and shredded cheese, then wrapped in bacon? I use jalapenos for my boyfriend and mexican green chiles/peppers for myself as they only have a slight kick and don't ruin the taste of the bacon.

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@Moni: I didn't cry or scream or did anything when I got my ears pierced. On a scale, how bad does it hurt to get nose done?

I have never done that with bacon, but it sounds good

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Ear lobe piercings are the least painful piercings in my opinion. Nose is just a bit more painful than ears, but not much. It's thick skin though, so most tend to hear a "pop" sound when they have their nose pierced.


It's super delicious! We usually cook them in the oven, but occasionally put them on the grill.

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