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I've been trying to get the neomail addict avvie with 4 other people. We've been spamming each other for less than an hour. The messages are something like "asjnkd" or just repeatedly "spam" or "x" and now I'm getting this message:


"Error: Sorry but we sense the use of an autobot on this account and can no long allow you to continue"


and then:



Sorry, you have sent too many Neomails and our monitors need to evaluate the situation. Feel free to try again tomorrow."



I was sending the neomails manually, but I had the "reply" window open in like 20 tabs at a time and sent them in really quick succession.



As far as I know, as long as the other person is okay with it, its fine right? Is this grounds for a warning/freezing?


It sounds like it's just a failsafe to prevent bots. I'm not sure what the mods will make of it when they investiage, to be honest, but if your first NMs were something like "Hey, we all need the Neomail Addict avatar, right? Let's all send each other a bunch of mail." you should be fine.


I would suggest, however, sending NMs from a singular tab in the future at a lower rate. That won't set off any alarms.


The subject of the mail was "neomail addict avatar" and subsequent nms were "RE:neomail addict avatar" except for one person where it was titled "spam" and "vsdzjkn" or such. I emptied my inbox twice already, the first nms aren't there anymore :'(


In theory TNT has access to recently deleted mails, but I can't be sure. The titles should be enough of a tip off for them.


Just so you know...

there is a limit of neomail you can send in a day. I know that because I have reached that limit at least once during the Altador Cup when contacting other players from my team. So that would explain the second message you saw.

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