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I don't know where this post should go exactly but Magical Pirate Krawk Plushies and Morphing Potions are going for about 1.2 Mil at the moment .. they deflated a good deal yesterday .. it's strange considering it was Krawk Day , but maybe hoarders who flooded the market didn't find the reaction they were looking for from buyers .... anyway if you like Krawks I think now is a good time to get one :)


You made me want one. You shouldn't have made this topic! :sad01_anim:


I won't spend np, I won't spend np, I won't spend np.. be strong.


I think your newly unfrozen main needs a new pet .. si ? non ;) ??


haha ain't i the devil :evil:


that's crazy! I'm not a huge fan of Krawks but maybe I'll buy a potion or plushie now and save it until they inflate at some point in the future (if they ever do).. or maybe I'll make one and adopt it out to someone like I did with one of my Draiks :-)


Daaaaaang. I rememeber when Krawks were something to be prized. -gets out cane-

Now the new daily has deflated them to the point of ridiculousness.


Man...they really went down quite a bit haven't they?


I still have no regrets getting my Krawk, Atzicitlali, when they were still worth over 10 million ^^ Because now I cherish her more and knew she was worth it :3




i really like Atzicitlali


she is pretty


so what are Krawks exactly ? reptiles , amphibians , dinosaurs ?


You devil Angelo! I shall resist. I shall not spend money. But if I would I would get me a Camouflage Krawk. They are awesome.


What my unfrozen account needs is a boost of neopoints so I can restore my gallery. I just discovered most of the expensive Yoyo's I ahd were sold. And they inflated big.


And some NC to spend so I can customize my beauties. I'm just too lazy for np customizing :)


But NOT Krawks.


Edit: Atzicitlali really is gorgeous, nice job on customizing!


Thanks you two :3


I was never a fan of Krawks in the beginning, but I fell in LOVE with the Island Krawks! Knew I had to get one someday >:3


You all know you want a Krawk! Why resist xD


Oooft!! Glad I found mine a lil while ago!


The only Krawk I like is Robot :P

You all know you want a Krawk! Why resist xD


i have 20 pets and none of them is in my plans for changing into a Krawkie right now ... maybe some day .... just maybe ... if i ever get bored with one of my 2 mutants ... but that's unlikely :)

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