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Hi Everybody! I just wrote a guide to how I earned the bulk of my millions on my gaming blog. I would love some feedback from the TDN neopets community about it. Of course, I also help that it serves useful for anyone wanting to earn a little extra income, or to those who can't quite reach their savings goals!


Please let me know if there is anything unclear, or if you have any questions. You can contact me on Facebook, Twitter@dasbif, or a post or PM here.




So far, I've found a mistake in the 'Games' category, at the end of the sentence about choosing your favorite games. Missing a word. Also, the first sentence in the Stock Market paragraph is kinda unclear...Also, I would put in those paragraphs something about, when you get more experienced, to sometimes wait longer before you sell, to diversify your portfolio rather to always by the same stock in case you need NP fast, and to never sell at a loss of NP.


Hey.. just having a read now :)


so far it's a good read and entertaining!

I'm just under "games room".. "I reccomend trying every game,.." change to "recommend"


Also, under "key quest" I'd add that it's a two player game with 5 keys, not just 2 keys! (I thought it was 2 keys, as in: one gold, one silver.. but my friend and I played but only got ONE Bronze key to redeem! oops!)


finished reading..

Good job :D It was a good read all the way through.


^^ oh, and definitely add a section on habitarium. I asked people here how they make NP and most said their Habi.. I got into it and my bank account grows while I sleep! I wake up to a Habitarium full of purple gems to collect.


Work little bugs, work I say!


I feel like the tips in there are ones that people already know for the most part. Going more in-depth on each tip will help people out more--especially on the games.


I'm currently compiling a list of best games to play. It's in an Excel document, with the amount of points I earn in each one compared with the ratio, then calculated from there to find out how many np per second. As soon as the ratios change, I can just put in the new ratio to find out how many np per second the new ratio gives you. The top ten games (in order) are Fashion Fever, Kass Basher, Catch the Petpet, Big Time Rush Crowd Patrol, Tunnel Tumble, Zurroball, Darigan Dodgeball, Neverending Boss Battle, Snowbeast Snackrifice, and 200m Peanut Dash. The first eight of those give you over 1,000 per minute.


Thanks for the feedback, guys! A lot of good suggestions, I'll get to work on editing and clarifying things soon. I'm glad to hear you found it to be a good read. :)

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